I really like Jim Carrey.

I wanted to be the female Jim Carrey.

I liked Jim Carrey from the very beginning.

I like all Jim Carrey films. They're really funny.

I don't think I have the pulling power of Jim Carrey.

If you work with Jim Carrey, you're working with the best.

I was focused as a writer and marketing and a character. I was like Jim Carrey.

It's great working with Steve Carell and Jim Carrey. Those guys are really funny.

Sitting around with Jim Carrey, coming up with bits, is, like, beyond a dream come true.

I would like to do comedy. I can be a bit of a Jim Carrey. I was always the class clown.

Jim Carrey and my dad were best friends. He would always be in my house and stuff like that.

Jim Carrey and Steve Carell did dramatic roles. I look up to them. You want a career like that.

It's good Xerox is known for its copying machines, and it's good Jim Carrey is known for comedy.

Jim Carrey is a consummate actor and professional. He comes on set, knows his lines and knows his moves.

I feel like Jim Carrey is probably the closest thing to a true physical comedian that we have working today.

If you have the opportunity to watch Nathan Fillion or Jim Carrey do a scene, it's like getting a Ph.D. in acting.

I wanted to be in Jim Carrey comedy movies before I met him. I wanted to be a comedian on Stage 19, yukking it up.

I'd say people that really inspired me at first were like, Dustin Hoffman, Jim Carrey... serious Jim Carrey though.

I don't think more concentration is required for Robert De Niro to do what he does as for Jim Carrey to do what he does.

There's a lot of very funny people I'd love to work with that I've never met, of course. I love Steve Martin and Jim Carrey.

Jim Carrey, a comic genius, has a harder time overcoming the public's desire for him to be funny simply because he's so good at it.

I remember doing a comedy show with Jim Carrey once, and he was out there with his foot behind his neck and rubbing his face with it.

While it is entirely untrue that Canadians lack a sense of humour, the funniest ones tend to head south: Dan Aykroyd, Jim Carrey, Michael J. Fox.

I love Jerry Lewis. I loved Jim Carrey when I was younger, and Mike Myers and Phil Hartman, all the 'Saturday Night Live' people in the late '80s.

My parents are my major supporters. I look up to Denzel Washington, Jack Nicholson and Jim Carrey. They have all opened my mind and helped me with my craft.

Everyone wants to be liked. It's a basic human impulse for some of you, and that explains the turn-on-a-dime hypocrisy from people like Jim Carrey and Sean Penn.

That's where humour lives for me. In the body. The Steve Martin kind of stuff or Jim Carrey, that's what I like. I've always felt that's what I would like to do.

My favorite actors are Jim Carrey and Chris Farley, Tom Hanks, Robin Williams. Robin Williams is the best - to be able to do all that comedy but also be heartbreaking.

I would like to work with Jean Reno, and I think it would be amazing to work with Jim Carrey. I would quite like to work with Robert De Niro and probably Christopher Walken.

Often, when Jim Carrey plays it straight, all of the vitality is drained from his face; he looks like a root-canal patient trying out a pleasant expression for his oral surgeon.

Working with Jim Carrey is an absolute gas. I have never laughed so hard for so long. Had he been on-board for the sequel of Dumb & Dumber, I would've jumped on, with no hesitation.

Boys from my generation all love Jim Carrey! But you know, just being in his house with him and pitching jokes that he would act out, literally felt like the dreams that I had, so it was amazing.

It must be hard being Jim Carrey. His precipitous fall from comedic grace has climaxed in a sad thud as the once brilliant rubber-faced comic has transformed into an unfunny, thick human hemorrhoid.

I grew up watching Jim Carrey, and I was like, 'I want to be like him. I want to do what exactly what he does.' YouTube was just a platform, kind of like a trampoline to, like, bounce into it at a faster rate.

When I grew up, one of comedy idols was Rowan Atkinson, who of course is Mr. Bean and uses physical comedy. Same with Jim Carrey. Both of those guys. And Peter Sellers. Most of my comedy idols are physical comics.

I struggled and I did theater for 10 years, for 15 years, I tried to get little parts here and there in TV shows. So, for me, the opportunity to work with Jim Carrey was amazing, it was phenomenal, it was eye-opening.

I do a lot of teen shows and voice over work for animation, so when I got the part in 'The Number 23,' it was really cool because now I get to be in a movie with Jim Carrey. Acting in this movie was really a learning experience for me.

I knew since third grade I wanted to be Jim Carrey. His freedom, his goofiness, his crazy, loud, sudden energy. I told my family I was going to be a pediatrician, but in the back of my mind, I was like, 'Nope, I'm going to be the biggest movie star ever.'

My idol growing up was Charlie Chaplin. I was obsessed with him. I mean, while other kids were watching Jim Carrey and the likes in the '90s, I was watching Charlie Chaplin films, because I was a bit of a geek. I became obsessed with this idea of physical comedy.

Historically, Hollywood comedy has arrived in skinny envelopes. From fence post Buster Keaton to herky-jerky Jerry Lewis to wiry nerve-bundle Woody Allen to hung-loose Richard Pryor to whippy contortionist Jim Carrey, its comics and clowns have tended to be sliced thin and bendable.

I don't choose something unless I think I have a personal understanding and something I can offer. It's not always thematic. I wanted to do 'The Grinch' because I wanted to direct Jim Carrey creating that kind of comic fantasy character live. I just thought that would be a mind-blowing experience, and it creatively was.

People ask me what it was like working with Jim Carrey. Well, I never really saw too much of him. I would talk to him on the set, but I was looking at a Grinch facade. It was his voice and all, but... Jim is amazing to watch in front of the camera. I learned a lot from him. He was also always very nice and generous to me.

I was a giant fan of 'Whose Line Is It Anyway' in high school, and I was obsessed with Jim Carrey and cut out any picture of Jim Carrey that ever came in any kind of magazine. I put it all over my walls. At the time, I thought humor was just repeating lines from 'Ace Ventura' ad nauseum in the back of my advanced math class.

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