If our focus in immigration reform is exclusively on high-skilled or STEM immigrants, where do the rest of the millions yearning to join our ranks fit in?

When we were small, the idea of VMware wasn't well defined, and convincing people to join was difficult. Each person we hired at that time was a big deal.

We watch so many TV shows and movies about jaded or corrupt policemen, we forget people join the police force to do good, and they really care about that.

One great feature of Roblox is all mobile players join the same game servers as desktop players, connecting users across devices in a shared virtual world.

I did a law degree but was miserable the whole time. I was supposed to join a law firm in London but instead went to Oxford to do a master's in philosophy.

In the spring of 1948, I was able to join the newly created Brookhaven National Laboratory, which was dedicated to finding peaceful uses for atomic energy.

I am observing that to become an actor, people say, they want to join gym. Why join a gym? Why don't you join an institute where they teach you how to act?

I was the kid who would join a sports team and be the biggest liability at first and a star player by the time the game got going. I just move very slowly.

I know the pain of having to deal with terrorism. And that's why, after 9-11, I was one of the first to join the international coalition to fight terrorism.

Every year at this time I join a growing number of journalistic flagellants in enumerating things that I got wrong in the previous annum's worth of columns.

Film is like football - you join a team, get close to one or two people, then never hear from them again. I don't get emotionally involved. Do one, move on.

I would encourage anyone who shares our liberal values in or outside parliament to join our party and join our liberal movement. Our door is absolutely open.

I don't believe that I'm better than anybody, but I do believe that I'll try harder than most and I hope that people just join me for a little bit of a ride.

The reality is that no one can be forced to join a union against their will, and a union cannot take action against those who decide not to join their union.

The only really committed artist is he who, without refusing to take part in the combat, at least refuses to join the regular armies and remains a freelance.

This is going to sound really funny. I have a poster of Zac Efron on my wall! I think every girl has a poster of him in their room so, why not join the club!

I existed before the mainstream. Why would I join them? I watched the mainstream come up, and now I'm watching it collapse. I don't want to be a part of that.

Imagine all the people living life in peace. You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. I hope someday you'll join us, and the world will be as one.

We spend a great deal of time getting the fan to buy the ticket. Why shouldn't it be: 'Buy the concert ticket and bundle in the t-shirt, or join the fan club?'

If I can join hands with FIFA and other continental bodies to promote football globally, then I can do more than that to raise African football to new heights.

Since the beginning of the internet era, it has been pretty widely accepted that when you join an online service, whatever data you put into it belongs to you.

Civil disobedience's main goal typically is to try to arouse and inspire others to join and do something. Well, sometimes that is a good tactic, sometimes not.

I worked for some very good people who have helped me along the way and actually enabled me to have the opportunity to be selected to join the Astronaut Corps.

Paul persuaded me to join the band. I would never have had the courage otherwise. It was fun at the beginning. We were playing just for fun, with Paul's group.

Some collaborators might join forces in certain cities or special concerts. I'm excited to share the stage with some prestigious people that I love and respect.

I believe there are several conservative democrats who are prepared to join Republicans in opposition to measures that propose new entitlements and reparations.

In order to land a punch, you need to bring your fingers together into a fist. We need to join all of our forces together. That is the only way that we can win.

I didn't join a bank because my father worked in a bank or because I thought I was going to be a banker or because I thought I was going to be where I am today.

I was born in Russia in 1901 of Jewish parents and came to the United States in 1922 to join my father, who left Russia for the United States before World War I.

The biggest reason most people fail is that they try to fix too much at once - join a gym, get out of debt, floss after meals and have thinner thighs in 30 days.

I have had positive experiences with cameras. When I have been asked to join experiments using cameras in the courtroom, I have participated; I have volunteered.

Dani Alves made it clear that he wanted to join Juventus and that says a lot. If players of his caliber join the club, that shows people believe in this project.

I had never been allowed to go on tour with my husband George Harrison, so had no idea what to expect when I left him to join Eric Clapton on his 1974 U.S. tour.

I had repeatedly made written requests to the Fuehrer that I might be allowed to join the Wehrmacht as an ordinary soldier. He refused to give me this permission.

I'm not different for the sake of being different, only for the desperate sake of being myself. I can't join your gang: you'd think I was a phony and I'd know it.

I accept that the Army must do what it thinks it needs to get people to join, but I think they ought to be extremely cautious about the message they send outside.

The Party of the Regions has won a convincing victory. We are ready to undertake responsibility for forming the Cabinet and we are calling on everyone to join us.

I believe my chances of making the World Cup squad will improve if I join City. My exposure would be better because Brazil is biased towards the Ukrainian league.

I choose to go to the Moon with artists. In 2023, as the host, I would like to invite 6 to 8 artists from around the world to join me on this mission to the Moon.

Fiction, at its best, is a radical act of intimacy. It seeks to join, to merge, to know deeply; and, as with intimacy, there is a way in which it cannot be faked.

If you join the Boy Scouts without understanding the underlying agendas and biases of the organization, you might grow up to believe that being gay is a bad thing.

Wrestling is rooted in the Indian soil, yet there isn't enough scope for kids who come from poorer families, but have the talent, to join the sport professionally.

Why did I not join one of the top five clubs in Europe? Because I am no longer one of the top five players around, and neither are Inter among the five best clubs.

After taking a two-year sabbatical to spend time with my wife and travel the world, I'm excited to join the Twitter Board and help the company advance its mission.

I am thrilled to join the NBCUniversal family and to have the opportunity to work alongside many of the most talented and accomplished individuals in the business.

I had the chance to play with Alan Shearer to join the list of class players I'd played with at a young age at Leeds - the Vidukas, Smiths, Kewells, and Woodgates.

I couldn't join my husband's business as, according to my father-in-law's unwritten convention, women of the house aren't allowed to meddle in the family business.

The American legal industry is a medieval guild in which the prosecutors, bar, and bench join hands to ensure that legal invoices are paid, no matter how excessive.

I join other players in calling for all teams to take a stand. We should not be subject to hate speech or racist acts at any time, and definitely not in our arenas.

Aston Villa were signing this player and that player, and I was thinking this is my chance to get to the Premier League. I was a little bit over-eager to join them.

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