The key to selfless giving is that you feel good when you do it and you feel good afterwards.

We all have our own karma and so different teachers will be meaningful to different students.

I would suggest your awareness is your karma. How you feel generates your level of attention.

I have learned of this great force and will never test the boundless energy of what is karma.

Some persons choose, rather than stay in immortal bliss all the time, to come back for others.

Selfless giving means forgeting about yourself. It means letting go and doing something crazy.

Your states of mind do not occur randomly. They occur because of vibratory and karmic patterns.

Life itself is selfless giving. We're not given this life just for own amusement and pleasures.

It was karma, it was kismet, it was magic. It doesn't matter how it happened, just that it did.

How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.

Life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness.

Intent is all-important. Your intent determines what happens to you inwardly, in a karmic sense.

We pay Karma not only for the evil we do but also for the good left undone, being able to do it.

If even one woman in the West were to become enlightened, it would change karmas on this planet.

Meidtation and selfless giving must always go together. They work together to create immortality.

To genuinely discover your Spirit, stop talking, stop reading, and start listening to your heart.

We are where centuries only count as seconds, and after a thousand lives, our eyes begin to open.

Eternity is selfless giving. Eternity sends forth all of the worlds, the very fabric of existence.

If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.

Oppressive bastards, think they own the place. I told them that karma's going to kick their asses.

I try to live with the idea that karma is a very real thing. So I put out what I want to get back.

Treat other people's home as you want them to respect yours because what goes around comes around.

Selfless giving involves time. It takes a bit of time to care and share yourself with the universe.

I believe in karma... that means i can do bad things to you all day long and assume you deserve it.

When you say, "Wait a moment," you are bound by your karma; when you say "Yes I will," you are free.

Our environment, the world in which we live and work, is a mirror of our attitudes and expectations.

Karma is your survival and your bondage. And if you handle it right, it can also be your liberation.

Sharing makes you bigger than you are. The more you pour out, the more life will be able to pour in.

I've seen 'karma' slap people in the face. You have to be good to people. It really does come around.

The secret to enlightenment is kindness and selfless giving. Without that, it's just words, isn't it?

Once you know the nature of anger and joy is empty and you let them go, you free yourself from karma.

Think of a star. A star burns its very substance to give light to others. You need to be like a star.

One of the first conditions of happiness is that the link between Man and Nature shall not be broken.

The idea of "karma" reeks of primitive religious superstition, so I don't place a lot of stock in it.

Think excitement, talk excitement, act out excitement, and you are bound to become an excited person.

Everybody comes from the same source. If you hate another human being, you're hating part of yourself.

Crazy. Karma is a b****. Gets you every time. Its not good to wish bad on anybody. God sees everything!

The karma that is most interesting is the mental karma because ultimately it generates physical action.

If you lie to a person at least tell someone else you've lied to the truth. It balances out your karma.

Follow your passions, believe in karma, and you won't have to chase your dreams, they will come to you.

Move with the flow. Don't fight the current. Resist nothing. Let life carry you. Don't try to carry it.

I'm also married for the first time, and I have two kids. So there's some kind of good karma right now.

If you give a good thing to the world, then over time your karma will be good, and you'll receive good.

If you aren't in the moment, you are either looking forward to uncertainty, or back to pain and regret.

my karma was to be born in America where nobody has any fun or believes in anything, especially freedom.

To be selfish, greedy and unwilling to help the needy gives rise to future starvation and clothlessness.

I did some things to some people that was downright evil. Is it karma coming back to me - so much drama.

Karma is a medicine which is given for our own good. Karma is the law of compensation, not of vengeance.

I practice selfless giving not because I'm remarkable but just because I find that its terrifically fun!

Do I believe in reincarnation? Well, let's say that I believe in karma. I think you make your own karma.

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