The Lakers are my life.

I grew up watching the Lakers.

How can you not like the Lakers?

I always was a fan of the Lakers.

Who wouldn't want to own the Lakers?

There's a lot of spoiled Lakers fans.

I grew up a Lakers and a Clippers fan.

Dr. Buss set the bar high for the Lakers.

Everyone 'watches Kobe when the Lakers play.

I mean, the Lakers are pretty damn Hollywood.

I think Kwame will be an asset to the Lakers.

I love Kobe Bryant, was a Lakers fan for sure.

If you mention the Lakers, you think about Kobe.

How can Benedict Arnold be reliable in what he says?

The Lakers have figured out how to win in every era.

I have season tickets to the Lakers and the Clippers.

The Lakers, they did a lot for me, so I like it here.

I'm not the one buying love. He's the one buying love.

You know how I be. Last week Kobe couldn't do without me.

I grew up in L.A., so I'm a huge Lakers fan and Kobe fan.

The Raptors have to aspire to be the Heat and the Lakers.

I know the Lakers are gonna make decisions for the Lakers.

I have often wondered why I was never captain of the Lakers.

If you don't stick to simplicity, you'll die a horrible death.

There is a lot of extra energy with being in a Lakers uniform.

I never was able to be a Lakers fan - I'm more of a Spurs fan.

He's a jokester, and that's funny, very funny. Ha-ha. Very funny.

You never know who you're going to see there during a Lakers game.

In my two and a half years with the Lakers, I didn't win much games.

When I got traded to the Lakers in '97, Kobe Bryant was just a rookie.

I don't know. I don't have a fax machine, so I didn't get that message.

One of the biggest reasons I bought the Lakers was to beat the Celtics.

When I was 17, I was a Lakers Girl; I was the youngest girl on the squad.

If a jayvee team puts on Lakers uniforms, that doesn't make them Kobe Bryant.

The Lakers and the Clippers teams play against each other; friends shouldn't.

Michael Jackson, the 49ers and the Lakers - that's what I know about the '80s.

Whatever is in the best interest of the Lakers, that's what's important to me.

You've got to be a Lakers fan growing up in L.A. with all these championships.

Anybody who doesn't think I want the Lakers to win is a fool. But I'm no homer.

The Lakers are really the biggest team in the world. Everybody knows the Lakers.

I like technology. I mean, I have surround at home so I can listen to the Lakers.

The Lakers had been home to me, unlike the home I had grown up and felt apart from.

I think if all three of my boys get on the Lakers somehow, they would change the NBA.

Lakers just been taking care of business for a long time now. It's easy to love them.

The Lakers fans have been great, even folks in the supermarket are welcoming me back.

It's very tough competition in the West. The Lakers deserve to be called the favorites.

The Lakers have been nothing but great to me, and I want to keep the relationship great.

The Lakers fanbase is enormous. Getting the fans on our side is a huge advantage for us.

That's sort of a trick question, and I don't have a trick answer. Next question, please.

I love the fact that I get to play against the Los Angeles Lakers in a Game 7 on the road.

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