The last few years have been pretty hectic.

My dad was in a wheelchair and on oxygen for the last few years of his life.

What I feel bad about is not having published very much in the last few years.

I've tried to do away with lying in my life in the last few years, but it's hard.

These last few years, working with Tim Burton, it's been the best time I've ever had.

I've been directing more and more the last few years, I find it an enjoyable challenge.

This year, I feel strong. I'm looking forward to having my best season in the last few years.

I began to think, The endowment has had a bad reputation in the last few years, and that's unfair.

The last few years of my life have been a little like a long ride in a Poop de Ville with the bottom down.

A lot of the people who have come to know the company in the last few years will not have seen this piece.

One of the things that I have learned in the last few years is to stop being so damn critical of my own work.

Television in the last few years has been where all the great writers are going. TV now is what indie film used to be.

If in the last few years you haven't discarded a major opinion or acquired a new one, check your pulse. You may be dead.

For the last few years, it's been so chic for everybody to be miserable. Like if you're in with the cool crowd, you can't be happy.

The last few years I've been saying I was ready to quit. It wasn't that interesting to me. Now that I'm directing, it's all new again.

As I've said repeatedly over the last few years, the war on coal was not a result of anything Congress passed; there was no legislation.

Whether you like it or not, the last few years I'd be the first one to tell you I haven't been the Pedro Martinez that I'm used to being.

In the last few years I've been listening to jazz more than anything else. I listen to a lot of world music and experimental here and there.

Crafting covers so many areas and over the last few years, we have seen a real boom in the U.K. in terms of people adopting craft as a hobby.

When I was doing Bean more than I've done him in the last few years, I did strange things - like appearing on chat shows in character as Mr. Bean.

The last few years haven't been as good so I can fly under the radar, come in and do the best I can and I don't have all these high hopes placed on me.

Over the last few years, the world has become a smaller and more integrated place with technology that is leveling the playing field like never before.

Well, I was never a 'gadget girl.' But in the last few years, the Blackberry and the iPad have changed my life or rather have become a part of my life.

I've always been working hard on my speed for the last few years. Obviously I'm not slow, but as a striker, the more speed you have, the better you are.

Best two rock voices I've heard in a last few years both have been from grunge bands: it's Eddie Vedder and the other one is Chris Cornell from Soundgarden.

If you believe the disappointments - if you believe the disappointments in the last few years are a detour and not our destiny, then I'm asking for your vote.

I've done a few studio films in the last few years where I feel like I've done good work, and then I only end up in two scenes. That's been very disappointing.

I am tired of all this sort of thing called science here... We have spent millions in that sort of thing for the last few years, and it is time it should be stopped.

After so many cases of terror attacks related to Islamic militancy remaining unresolved in the last few years, the government has no moral authority to stay in power.

I've been fortunate enough to travel to Edinburgh a few times over the last few years, and I just loved the city. I find it one of the more beautiful cities in Europe.

I can't think of any NBA team over the last few years that lost three starters. And we replaced them basically with three guys who really haven't played in this league.

We - again, the, the, the, the bastardization and the demonization over the last few years of teachers and of unions and of collective bargaining, that is not the answer.

Over the last few years, I've started to look more closely at the way coaches work to learn from them - not just here at the club but with the international team as well.

I lived in Brooklyn from 2007 to 2012 but for the last few years have resided in Austin, Texas, where my world - especially the world of downtown - is predominantly white.

In the last few years in particular, I've found that it's okay to let go of culture rather than hold on to it. And by letting go, you kind of realise that it's there anyway.

I do have a problem with someone that just wants a picture. People who ask for a selfie and don't even say hello to you, it's a weird thing that's happened in the last few years.

In fact, it is amazing how much European films - Italian, French, German and English - have recovered a certain territory of the audience in their countries over the last few years.

The Internet has improved a lot in the last few years, but still, you wouldn't want to depend on Web sources for historical analysis. There's just something hard to beat about a book.

They were the largest semiconductor maker in the world up until about 1980. I'm not sure that that can be re-gained again, but their progress in the last few years has been very impressive.

Only lately, like within the last few years, have I had people actually do an impression of me to me, which weirds me out to think of what they have picked up on, without ever realizing it myself.

The floods and fires and storms and droughts that Australia has suffered in the last few years have left no doubt in many Australians' minds about just how much is a stake in a super-heated world.

I'm desperate to enjoy my football again and play until I retire. Obviously I'm 34 so I don't want to be sitting on the bench, I don't want to be remembering my last few years of my career like that.

I have had to empty two family homes during the last few years - first, the house that had been my grandmother's since 1923, and then my own country home, which we had lived in for over twenty years.

When I was at Doncaster Rovers Belles, I used to play up front or as a number 10, but when I joined Chelsea in 2015, I was more a midfielder, and over the last few years, I've moved into the back four.

The last few years I became a lot more into sports. Growing up, the sports I liked were independent sports, like skateboarding. I was really into skateboarding, and not necessarily team televised sports.

Call it loyalty, call it what you want, but I suppose I've got people up here who I'm really tight with, we've made a lot of great bonds over the last few years and I've got people in my corner I can trust.

Predictions are predictions. If you could predict the stock market, you would be super rich. But I have to race the race. It doesn't matter what I've done over the last few years. I have to race at the Olympics.

'Beyond Glory' is responsible for this wave that I've been fortunate enough to ride for the last few years. And that I did primarily because I didn't know what else to do. You might say I did it out of desperation.

You gig and gig and wonder what your first Edinburgh show will be like, if people will like it, and when they do, it just feels like it validates the last few years of your life, and that you're on the right track.

In the last few years, losing my father, going through a divorce and not getting some jobs I really wanted, is making me a much more interesting person, I think. This all really does feel like a rebirth, a new chapter.

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