Order is heaven's first law.

The law is an ass, an idiot.

America is a country of laws.

One king, one law, one faith.

The Secret: Law of Attraction

Preach 90% Law and 10% grace.

Only law can give us freedom.

Right... is the child of law.

Those who fear men like laws.

Bans are laws for the stupid.

I am very pro law enforcement.

We are nothing but by the law.

Law is always better than war.

Come, agree, the law's costly.

I am pathetically law-abiding.

In the depths all becomes law.

Petty laws breed great crimes.

All just laws condemn cruelty.

Reason is the life of the law.

Labor is the law of happiness.

Nature, red in tooth and claw.

Good morals lead to good laws.

Reason is the Soul of the Law.

Dyson's Law: Do ask; don't lie.

The law is a horrible business.

Laws are not made for the good.

Unjust laws aren't laws at all.

Laws are silent in time of war.

Laws are subordinate to custom.

The first great law is to obey.

Where laws end, tyranny begins.

One with the law is a majority.

Of course the law's not racist.

A unjust law, is no law at all.

Laws can't control the lawless.

The more laws, the less justice.

Laws change. Conscience doesn't.

Laws without morals are in vain.

You cannot make men good by law.

The law must have the last word.

The trouble with law is lawyers.

During war, the laws are silent.

Very good laws may be ill timed.

The law is agnostic about truth.

Famous people are above the law.

What can laws do without morals?

Law, without force, is impotent.

The law never tells you to pray.

Loyalty is the first law of God.

The law has no power over heroes.

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