Where there's no law, there's no bread.

Possession is eleven points in the law.

Bad laws are the worst sort of tyranny.

Law and order embrace on hate's border.

Laws, like houses, lean on one another.

Live like the Kennedy's, above the law.

American law needs to reflect gods law.

In all things there is a law of cycles.

The shot from Laws was precise but wide.

Is it against the law for me to know it?

The laws of this world are for children.

It isn't against the Law to be an idiot.

Habit is the deepest law of human nature

Only force rules. Force is the first law

I expected to go into journalism or law.

In law also the emphasis makes the song.

Law has no skin, reason has no nostrils.

Cats do not abide by the laws of nature.

Impermanence is the law of the universe.

The law of England is a law of liberty .

There are laws for peace as well as war.

The law sometimes sleeps; it never dies.

Nature hath no goal though she hath law.

I just want everybody to follow the law.

Opinion has ever been stronger than law.

Pay, pay anything rather than go to law.

Law and justice are not always the same.

Prayer never changes the laws of nature.

They that make laws must not break them.

Tremble, all ye oppressors of the world!

We can't abolish prejudice through laws.

Laws can discover sin, but not remove it

McCabe's Law: Nobody has to do anything.

My mother-in-law is obsessed with clowns.

Law is order, and good law is good order.

Law is born from despair of human nature.

Is it against the law to kill a reporter?

May your dreams defy the laws of gravity.

They're selling postcards of the hanging.

The law of Karma is the law of causation.

The law's the law, but people are people.

Moral principle is the foundation of law.

No law is sufficiently convenient to all.

Labor is the divine law of our existence.

Where there is a will there's a law suit.

Death is my son-in-law, death is my heir.

The Law of Attraction is the Law of Love.

My parents wanted me to go to law school.

The law is a sort of hocus-pocus science.

It is the law of love that rules mankind.

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