To lay down one's life for the truth.

It's ecstasy when you're laying down next to me.

Laying tracks gives you freedom without being too obvious.

Yes, she thought, laying down her brush in extreme fatigues, I have had my vision.

At first laying down, as a fact fundamental, That nothing with God can be accidental.

I just thought any workout that is effective and I can do while laying down I'm signing up for.

That's how love got lost ... when we started laying down rules for when love should or shouldn't appear.

I believe that the federal government should be laying down broadband like Eisenhower laid down interstates.

We are simultaneously the most hated, loved, feared and admired nation on this planet. In short, we are Frank Sinatra.

Christ was born in a manger, laying down amongst donkeys ang goats. He was given gifts of incense and perfume. No kidding.

Then a lawyer said, But what of our laws, master? And he answered: 'You delight in laying down laws. Yet you delight more in breaking them.

I have to decide whether I'm just laying down a groove, kind of a bed and canvas for the lyrics and music to live on, or trying to illustrate something in the lyrics.

I think it's quite painfully obvious when someone's practicing through an amp, as opposed to someone who's really laying down some stuff that just happens to be fast.

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