Lebanon first.

Lebanon does not have a powerful army.

Nothing is safe [in Lebanon], as simple as that.

I was born in the middle of Lebanon's civil war.

My agenda is not to reassure anybody outside Lebanon.

I'm from Lebanon, and I've been exposed a lot to Syria.

My family played a part in bringing communism to Lebanon.

Violence would be a huge gift to those who want a divided Lebanon.

I was not in favor of U.S. troops in Lebanon. And I voted against it.

When Lebanon started its resistance it was a small and divided country.

Lebanon is a small country, weak, an army with very humble capabilities.

Israel lost their power to intimidate during the second war with Lebanon.

Those who liberated the south from Israel must show allegiance to Lebanon.

We believe that Lebanon has been the first real experience for all the Arabs.

I think it is our duty towards the people of Lebanon to stabilize the country.

My name means 'hope' in Arabic, and I was born when there was a war in Lebanon.

Things have to be straightened out to keep Lebanon away from regional conflicts.

Any Israeli attack on Lebanon, Iran, Syria or Gaza will be met with a fierce response.

Israel is becoming a fortress. Fences along the borders with Egypt, Lebanon, and Syria.

You know the Middle East is going crazy when Lebanon is the most peaceful place in the region.

In Lebanon, it's never over for anyone. You cannot write off anyone or anything in this country.

If the [captured Israeli] soldiers are not returned, we will turn Lebanon's clock back 20 years.

If I'm still walking, I am not dead. So I have to still walk and run towards the benefit of Lebanon.

We had Taiwan, Egypt, Lebanon, and Oman open their markets to our beef, and we're excited about that.

In school in Lebanon, we were not allowed to speak Arabic during breaks - it had to be French or English.

My mother was an immigrant from Lebanon to the United States. She came when she was 18 years old in 1920.

Hezbollah is not fighting for Syria. Hezbollah is not fighting for Iran. Hezbollah is fighting for Lebanon.

There must be some security arrangement in the south of Lebanon so northern Israel is not threatened anymore.

I am not against Hezbollah as a political party, but it should not be the cause of the destruction of Lebanon.

The violence and burnings in Lebanon were the work of Syrian soldiers and workers dressed in civilian clothes.

I opposed the U.S. involvement in Lebanon. We ended up having to withdraw our marines after our barracks were blown up.

I don't think that Israel has any legal or moral justification for their massive bombing of the entire nation of Lebanon.

The source of the terror in Lebanon as in Iraq is to be found in the Koran and in the despotisms of the Arab Middle East.

Lebanon will be engulfed again in a huge power game that will last quite a long time. This is the tragic destiny of Lebanon.

I love the Middle East and have been lucky enough to visit a few of the countries like Egypt, Lebanon, Jordon and the U.A.E.

There is a constant effort of the Palestinian terrorist organizations to increase their presence and their forces in Lebanon.

Lebanon is a small country, and we have a saying: as long as you know your size, you know, just try to protect what you have.

I have a friendship with Hezbollah, and I also have contacts outside of Lebanon, but it doesn't mean I follow anyone's agenda.

There is an anatomical dysfunction in today's Lebanon, and we have been stuck in a socio-political vicious circle for decades.

Muslim anger has, of course, been stoked by America's war in Iraq and by Israel's brutal policies toward Palestine and Lebanon.

Religion is a very delicate subject in Lebanon. You have to know how to say things in a very delicate way in order to be accepted.

The Islamic Revolution of Iran has been killing Americans, hundreds of Americans, for 35 years in Iraq and Lebanon and Saudi Arabia.

It is important that democracy in Lebanon is protected and that Hezbollah will not be supported by outside forces like Syria and Iran.

I was 12 when my parents told me we were moving to Lebanon. I remember thinking, 'Leba-who?' I had absolutely no concept of the place.

We are very serious about imposing weapons restrictions on the PFLP and other Palestinian groups operating from their camps in Lebanon.

In my opinion, the Hezbollah has going - they are going to discover sooner or later than in their top priority should preserve Lebanon.

I don't want to be the policeman of Lebanon. It's not the business of Israel. Israel was not created to serve as a policeman of the region.

The military operation in Lebanon was the most successful military operation in recent Israeli history. Many in Israel don't recognise that.

On the border area with Lebanon where [Hezbollah forces] want to protect themselves and cooperate with us, but they don't exist all over Syria.

We must now make clear to Lebanon that it will not benefit from U.S. assistance and support as long as it harbors this brutal terrorist and murder.

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