I prefer to be left alone with my books.

Chaos, when left alone, tends to multiply.

Was it so much to ask just to be left alone?

Things do not get better by being left alone.

I like to be left alone when I'm not working.

Animals for the most part just need to be left alone.

I need to do things on my own, need to be left alone.

The unconscious mind writes poetry if it's left alone.

Left alone with our own heads on, we can be pretty mental.

The peasant wants only to be left alone to prosper in peace.

One of the things I enjoy most is to be left alone with a book.

Feeling someone else's anger is bad; being left alone is worse.

Only he knew that to be left alone is not always to be forsaken.

It's a spooky thing to be left alone inside an angry innerverse.

...good things happen to the human spirit when it is left alone.

I just always wanted to be left alone to go into a creative space.

How can I ask anyone to love me when all I do is beg to be left alone?

There is no bore we dread being left alone with so much as our own minds.

It was not generally realized that what children mostly wanted was to be left alone.

I very much wished not to be noticed, and to be left alone, and I sort of succeeded.

Im always happy when Im left alone, but if somebody comes and is nice, then we talk.

Because of their enmity you will be left alone. They will cast you out and forsake you.

There are times when you seek your solitude, and your solitude just wants to be left alone.

Some things are best left alone. Such as interfering in things which are beyond our powers.

I've always been more afraid of being left alone or left out than of things that go bump in the night.

And what do you think will happen to you when you find life is just too good to be left alone? You'll start living it.

We preferred our own way of living. We were no expense to the government. All we wanted was peace and to be left alone.

To have her meals, and her daily walk, and her fill of novels, and to be left alone, was all that she asked of the gods.

Left alone, human beings are a plague. They multiply relentlessly, consuming every resource, destroying everything they touch.

Eventually I knew what hair wanted; it wanted to be itself ... to be left alone by anyone, including me, who did not love it as it was.

To be left alone on the tightrope of youthful unknowing is to experience the excruciating beauty of full freedom and the threat of eternal indecision.

Both my husband and I give a lot of ourselves in what we do because that is our public lives but in my private life, I have an intrinsic right to be left alone.

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