Ending lending is beginning winning.

Lend only what you can afford to lose.

Borrowing is not much better than begging.

People cannot live by lending money to one another.

It is the quality of lending over the quantity of lending.

Subprime lending is growing faster in black areas than in white areas.

Lending rate is a function of both liquidity as well as credit demand.

Poetry is the art of substantiating shadows, and of lending existence to nothing.

Expertise and judgment in the art of lending for novel ventures must be reacquired.

The business of a bank is to lend money; which amounts, nowadays, to lending credit.

Country banks are more flexible in their lending policies than their city brethren are.

If you are in banking and lending, surprise outcomes are likely to be negative for you.

Let us lend cheerfully, for the time is pretty sure to come when we will wish to borrow.

I've been focused on the West Coast economy and being a banker and lending in these markets.

Money lending is a horrible profession. If we are to call it otherwise it is lawful plundering.

You can always make a loan at a bank if you can show sufficient evidence that you don't need it.

It is important to create credit absorption capacity rather than to just enhance lending targets.

When money is free, the rational lender will keep on lending until there is no one else to lend to.

The universe of mortgage lending has gotten to the point where there is a place in it for everybody.

Large fortunes are all founded either on the occupation of land, or lending or the taxation of labor.

I have always said that a bank's lending rates do not only depend on rate cuts - it is just one signal.

With weak balance sheets, banks tend to continue lending unprofitable businesses and leave them existing.

Borrowing is not much better than begging; just as lending with interest is not much better than stealing.

To borrow scarce is better than to beg; As lending, lending upon interest, Scarce better is than stealing.

Being a Mets fan is like lending someone a lot of money and you just know that you'll never get paid back.

My history of lending money from banks is that they want to know the ins and outs of the backside of a duck.

One of the risks for anybody in the lending business is that being conservative can harm your competitiveness.

All children can do things to help, whether how big or small - by donating toys or lending a hand in the community.

Banks provide payment systems, core deposit and lending facilities that enable us to manage our day to day affairs.

The Federal Reserve has never suffered any losses in the course of its normal lending to banks and, now, to primary dealers.

Groups that work in black neighborhoods around the country have contended that much of subprime lending is 'predatory lending.'

We should redefine the metric for effective lending, viz., prioritise loans to enterprises, which will generate more employment.

You can make great money in a utility type of business by borrowing cheaply and lending sensibly but that's not what's being done.

Home ownership was the fig leaf for the rise in subprime lending. But that was really about cash-out refinancings, not buying homes.

We really accomplished what we set out to do with the Recovery Act programs, which was to fill the lending gap created by the crisis.

Why don't we call on the credit card companies to be accountable? They need to be held accountable for their predatory lending practices.

The banks are not lending, at least from what I see. They were so wild and reckless back in the good times that they got burned terribly.

Many of the smaller banks have had to get to the point where they now have more compliance people than they have lending offices. That's crazy.

It's true that monetary policy was too lax for too long, and the government encouraged lending to people who were unlikely to repay their loans.

International lending banks need to focus on areas where private investment doesn't go, such as infrastructure projects, education and poverty relief.

We don't have sales trading, brokerage, capital lending - any of those kinds of things that got some of the Wall Street firms a little bit in trouble.

I could have just received royalty checks every month by lending my name to a collection, but I didn't want to do that. My name is a reflection of me.

During 'Jersey Boys,' I discovered one of the most rewarding ways to use your goodwill is to motivate fans and friends into lending support to charity.

The mortgage crisis is a clear instance of consumers who needed protection. There was predatory lending to people who didn't know what they were doing.

'Muntazir' has a very feel-good vibe to it. It's Strings' signature composition, especially the pre-chorus. I thoroughly enjoyed lending my vocals to it.

Being behind the lens gives me a completely different perspective, and because of my blog, I get to do projects and attend shows lending me another angle.

I grew up in a house full of books, and we belonged to the Country Lending Service - each month the State Library would send us a parcel of books by train.

Congressman Watt has a long history of advocating against predatory lending and the mortgage practices that caused millions of families to lose their homes.

I had no idea that I would ever get involved with something like lending money to poor people, given the circumstances in which I was working in Bangladesh.

One of the biggest problems out there that I hear from my friends in the business community is that there's no lending, that it's tough to get a loan today.

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