I feel a lot of life in me and a lot of creative energy, and I think it's better suited somewhere it can run free.

I married a woman who is much better than me, I'm very fortunate to be with her and I know I'll be happy with her the rest of my life.

I've really become super active in rescuing animals, and it has made my life feel so much better. I can't even express to you how happy it has made me.

As a kid, I was pretty obsessed with dinosaurs and the day that my parents took me to Dinosaur National Park, I didn't think life could get any better.

I could manage my life so much better if an app could tell me exactly when my parcels will be delivered so I don't spend the day under virtual house arrest.

It's not a secret. Everybody knows that it was a special place for me there when I was playing with the Eagles. I started there, they kinda changed my life for the better.

I owe much to my friends; but, all things considered, it strikes me that I owe even more to my enemies. The real person springs life under a sting even better than under a caress.

To me, the fact that the Mexican came North in search of a better life is a tremendous epic that hasn't been written. It's an odyssey that we know nothing about. And they came with a dream for a better life.

In San Antonio when I was asked to say other players were better than me to help their confidence so they can play better, that was the most disrespectful thing that I've ever heard from any coach in my life.

That was where my dream began to take hold, of not havin' to pick cotton and potatoes, and not havin' to be uncomfortable, too hot or too cold. That in itself had driven me to try to find some better way of life.

I couldn't have come up with a better metaphor for my life and my internal conflict. It amazes me how quickly we can manifest our fears; not only had I created my 'I'm never satisfied, I'll drive her away' nightmare.

Considering all that's happened in my life, I feel like I'm a pretty levelheaded person that has remained happy and not let my shortcomings overtake the better part of me. I'm fulfilling the things I wanted to fulfill, and I'm still sane.

I wanted to play running back, but they would never put me at running back. I started loving receiver and as I kept growing older, we kept throwing the ball more and I kept liking it more and more. It's something I've played all my life. It's something I've gotten better at each year.

For me, it's not an option to despair. The question is: what can we do to make someone's life better? Take the unimaginable strides made in places like Bosnia, where I cut my teeth, and Rwanda. Their stories aren't perfect, but I wouldn't have dreamt they could happen in a million years.

I am not naive, and I do realize that racism is alive and well in the United States of America. I am also fully aware that when segregation ended, we didn't all live happily ever after. No one can convince me, however, that life in America would be better if blacks and whites had stayed separate and unequal.

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