Music washes away the dust of every day life.

I'm being tested each and every day. That's how life is.

If I could eat French fries every day of my life, I would.

Left to my own devices I'd get up at midday every day of my life.

Life is unpredictable and you need to live every day to the fullest.

Life, we learn too late, is in the living, the tissue of every day and hour.

As you move through life, it's not going to be a bright, sunshiny day every day.

Courage is on display every day, and only the courageous wring the most out of life.

I watched Sean Penn, you know, bring Harvey Milk to life. I was on the set every day.

Public life has become so gladiatorial. Every day, another reputation bites the dust.

My mother made wonderful cheesecake. She loved cheesecake. She ate it every day of her life.

If you were happy every day of your life you wouldn't be a human being, you'd be a game show host.

Move every day. Like taking a shower and brushing your teeth. Make it a part of your everyday life.

I don't like to talk hypotheticals. I deal with the real life situations. I treat every day as a blessing.

There's a whole load of stuff in life that is worth documenting. You see it every day but don't even notice.

Every day, I genuinely count my blessings. One of the greatest things in life is to do a job you really enjoy.

Our life is the sum total of all the decisions we make every day, and those decisions are determined by our priorities.

I pray almost every day, and you can see that I pray on the pitch. I pray in the dressing room. That is just part of my life.

I wrote every day between the ages of 12 and 20 when I stopped because I went to Barcelona, where life was too exciting to write.

Live life to the full, and become more curious every day. The more you find out about life, the richer your music-making will be.

Brock Lesnar is an extraordinary, underrated forward thinker. Every day of Brock's life, he is smarter than he was the day before.

Husbands and wives, first be faithful to each other. Second, keep the romance going all of your life by courting each other every day.

Occasions for defining moments do not arise every day. When they do, we must seize the opportunities they present for improving everyone's life.

Every day confirms my opinion on the superiority of a vicious life - and if Virtue is not its own reward I don't know any other stipend annexed to it.

One does afford oneself the luxury to come into the studio and all day, every day, spend one's life making aesthetic propositions. What an immense luxury.

The thing about tennis life is that it's the same thing every day. You train. You come back to the hotel. You get treatment. You eat. You sleep. You get up.

Things happen every day. You can't spend your whole life trying to guard against something happening. If you do that, in my opinion, you've wasted your life.

If you don't want to live a life where you go to a job every day just so you can enjoy your weekends and get two weeks of vacation every year, then don't do it.

Figure out what questions you'd ask to see if you were happy with your life. Then wake up every day and live intentionally, so you're happy with the answers at the end.

It's such a marathon making a film - two-and-a-half years, at least - and every day, you do something that in any other lifetime would be one of the highlights of your life.

The burden of poverty isn't just that you don't always have the things you need, it's the feeling of being embarrassed every day of your life, and you'd do anything to lift that burden.

My grandma, Nai Nai, has had the clothes she wants to be buried prepared since she was like 60. I guess there is an openness to discussing. It's part of life. It's part of the every day.

I think I understand why most actors and actresses are insane, because having to go through an emotional roller coaster as your job every day of your life would make somebody absolutely loopy.

Somebody should tell us, right at the start of our lives, that we are dying. Then we might live life to the limit, every minute of every day. Do it! I say. Whatever you want to do, do it now! There are only so many tomorrows.

I don't want to get all self-help on everyone. But I definitely think there was a period in my life where I thought I would feel the same way, forever. And every day felt like 'Groundhog Day,' where I was super, super depressed.

The burden of poverty isn't just that you don't always have the things you need: it's the feeling of being embarrassed every day of your life, and you'd do anything to lift that burden. As kids, we didn't complain about being poor; we talked about how rich we were going to be and made moves to get the lifestyle we aspired to by any means we could.

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