Food is a big part of my life.

What I've learned is I want to enjoy my life, and food is a big part of it.

I think I was immediately fed, so food became a very important part of my life.

I had to get healthy for a period in my life, so I learned a lot about food and diet.

When I eat with my friends, it is a moment of real pleasure, when I really enjoy my life.

I like food, like any other guy, but it is not the main thing in my life. I can do without it.

Most of my life I was occupied with American television and American food. My ethnicity was my choice. It still is.

I do adore food. If I have any vice it's eating. If I was told I could only eat one food for the rest of my life, I could put up with sausage and mash forever.

If I have a big shoot and I'm gunning to get into shape I'll really be careful and consistent with my food but when I have a period off, I'll be more relaxed and balanced in my life.

Food is a fairly significant aspect of my life. I have struggled mightily with food. With my weight. And I'm conscious of it. So I have a sensitivity to people who struggle with their weight.

Throughout most of my life, I've tried to downplay my Chinese heritage because I wanted so much to be an American. I was the only Asian kid in my elementary school, and I longed to be like everyone else. I insisted on American food; I was embarrassed by my mother's poor English.

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