I have enough money to last me the rest of my life unless I buy something.

I like the writing life, but it's not something that always makes enough money.

Every year of my working life, I have been fortunate enough to earn more money than I have spent.

I may not have made humongous sum of money through acting, but I have enough to lead a stress free life.

I don't believe we are supposed to go through life defeated and not having enough money to pay our bills or send our kids to college.

I am fortunate to have enough money not to have to worry about the necessities of life. Beyond that, I try to think about money as little as possible.

Even I have been at that point in my life where I thought I didn't have enough extra money laying around to start investing in stocks for my own retirement plans.

It changed my life in a lot of ways - before I got that role I was just going from job to job, not really having enough money to be able to do what I wanted to do.

My theme is, 'The spirit of friendship is the balance of life.' Not money. Not the World Series. It's friendship. The relationships I have with people, that's enough to keep me happy.

Decisions I make, the money, my contract, all of that will handle itself. I don't ever worry about my money. I already have enough money for the rest of my life. It's all about winning.

I'd earned enough money, I had a flat in Wimbledon, I did some corporate things, but I was really unhappy. After being challenged all my life, suddenly there were no challenges any more.

I think that I'm lucky in that, even at levels where I, by and large, wasn't making enough money to sustain my life, I worked as a male nanny, I waited tables and did what I had to, to keep doing theater and acting.

Well, I'm at some kind of crossroads in my life and I don't know which way to take. It's not about money, I mean, because I'm established enough now as a writer to get a reasonable advance if I wanted to do fiction.

I just felt like I couldn't deal with the everyday responsibilities of life, paying bills and all of that. I'm terrible at all of that. So I knew I had to make enough money to pay someone else to deal with all of that.

The financial side of Broadway is the easy part. Plenty of people want to put money in a Broadway show. The challenging part is finding the material that excites me enough to spend a couple of years of my life devoted to it.

I still meet with friends, and I'm enjoying life at 97 here in Palm Springs. They are trying to establish a new theater here in the desert, and if they raise enough money, I understand they might be calling it The Carol Channing Playhouse. Wouldn't that be wonderful? What an honor that would be.

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