I've only done karaoke twice in my life.

There are few things I've never done in my life.

Everything I've ever done in my life has been a fluke.

Motherhood is the greatest thing I've ever done in my life.

I have done practically everything that I wanted to do in my life.

UNICEF has made the most rewarding thing that I have ever done in my life.

A lot of things I've done in my life have taken incredible mental fortitude.

'Terra Nova,' more than anything I've ever done in my life, is for everybody.

Ballroom dancing is like being on Mars compared to what I've done throughout my life.

I never made a mistake in grammar but one in my life and as soon as I done it I seen it.

I've never done Botox in my life. But I've probably tried everything else under the sun.

I played the two guard in college, and playing point guard is what I've done all my life.

It is a curious thing, but I have been right in everything I have done and said in my life.

I don't know what I would have done so many times in my life if I hadn't had my girlfriends.

I've never done stand-up in my life. I don't know if that's entirely interesting, but I came up in improv.

You talk about meant to be - oh my goodness, I have never done anything else in my life except be a performer.

I've never done a musical before. I've sung, off and on, all of my life. But I have never, ever done a musical.

My first album was called 'Badlands,' and it's something that I think I'm most proud of having done in my life.

I spoke at a number of conventions, like for pharmacists and cosmetologists, so I've done a lot of public speaking in my life.

If I had done 'Titanic,' it would have made, probably, $200,000 - worldwide. So I think my life would have been very, very similar.

Both my husband and I come from very modest backgrounds. He's obviously done very well, and I've worked hard all my life and done well, too.

I'm a 27-year-old freshman, and returning to college after a seven-year break from high school was by far the hardest thing I've ever done in my life.

There are very few things I've done just twice in my life, 40 years apart, and one is to backpack on the Pacific Crest Trail across the California/Oregon border.

If any single human being is responsible for all this nonsense I've done with my life, it's Ray Harryhausen... In 'Kubo,' you can see some of his influence throughout.

I don't have shame around where I've been or what I've done to survive to get to where I'm at in my life. When you don't have shame around something, it can't hurt you.

Even after the first three series, I'm sure I would've been known all my life as James Herriot. I was concerned that I would dig the hole deeper, and I'm sure that's what I've done. I'm sure of it.

After being in one movie, it didn't seem like that would be my life. I had done several jobs, briefly. I'd been a shipping clerk, I worked in a copy shop, I didn't think the acting was going to go on and on.

I've given just as much of my life to that, and I practiced it with the same zeal, as I have acting. And I think that many of my skill sets from being a housewife I used for producing. Because you don't stop until it's done.

I'm a dog person, I've had dogs all my life. But you see, it's not really a dog. It's more like a little robot. It's an actor. It displays no emotion whatsoever. I swear that dog doesn't know any of us even though we've done five seasons of Frasier.

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