I don't want to dream anymore, I want my life to be real!

My own laugh is the real thing and I've had it all my life.

I fought all my life to be at Real Madrid, to try to be in the starting XI.

But why should I read what somebody else thinks of my life when I know the real story?

My life. The life I'm living that's where all my inspiration comes from. Real life experiences.

'The Real Housewives of Miami' only shows my life in Miami, and, to be honest, my life is more L.A.

Despite being in showbiz, I have a very real approach to my life. It plays off with my social life.

My life has always been about making certain I accrue the skills necessary to make my ambitions real.

I had my life Monday through Friday in school, and then I had my 'real life,' which was my acting class on Saturday.

All my life had been dominated by a sign, often invisible but no less real for that, which said: 'Reserved for Europeans Only.'

I've had a tremendous problem with depression in my life. I'd rather not talk about it, because it's over. But depression is real.

I think so much of real life is this avoidance of getting into the not knowing. So much of my life, I've been running from just admitting that I don't know.

Probably the '86 nationals. That was my first real national title and first real statement I ever made in figure skating, and my life changed after I returned.

I'm more scared of parking by a parking meter than vampires because one of them is real and adversely affects my life and results in a $35 fine, and one is nonsense.

It was the craziest period of my life: I was getting ready for the baccalaureate, the phone was ringing off the hook, I visited the Real facilities, I met Alex Ferguson.

I would say a lot of the emotion in what I do is a sort of a thankfulness for those energies being around, because there's been points in my life when they weren't around, and it's a real sort of miserable existence.

Even though I felt, at times, 'My goodness, you're among the upper echelon,' there is still a huge void there. A huge void. It is about self-esteem. That's a thing that has always been a real complex part of my life.

I think I'm a part of all the characters I play, definitely at different times in my life. In real life, I'm kind of a tomboy. I like to read a lot I like watching T.V. I don't think I'm as interesting as my characters, but I like doing what I do.

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