I want to thank coach Thompson... for saving my life. For giving me the opportunity.

The whole thing about acting, the draw for me, is the opportunity to do things you don't get to do in real life.

But in my life, the vast majority of people that have really afforded me the opportunity to succeed were white folks.

Working with Bernardo Bertolucci was one of the greatest highlights of my whole life. It was such an incredible opportunity for me.

You put a microphone in my hand on live TV, and that's just an opportunity for me to get ahead in life. That's the way I look at it.

I know not, sir, whether Bacon wrote the works of Shakespeare, but if he did not, it seems to me that he missed the opportunity of his life.

For me, getting married doesn't mean we should limit ourselves to some pre-defined idea. Rather, it's an opportunity to explore new things in life.

I'm a joker; that's my choice. It's my style. But I care about my life. I care about the game. I care about the people who gave me this opportunity.

My life as a professional athlete has allowed me the opportunity to visit and live in many different places and meet many interesting and diverse people.

It's a Fox thing, the bad-boy image. They're trying to type me out. There are worse things in life, you know. I'm just really excited about the opportunity.

The actual process of filmmaking, the many hours out of your life- it is very slow and boring. I'm not interested in that now unless an opportunity was provided for me.

It's not a conscious thing for me. But whenever I have the opportunity to bring it, I want to give more than the guy before me. Hockey. Off-ice stuff. Just life in general.

People in my life have either supported me or doubted me. The only people I hear are the doubters. So, for me, I look at life, and I don't feel like I have anything to prove, but I have an opportunity.

The partnership over the 28 years we had the company afforded him the opportunity to experiment and live his life as an artist and a label honcho and do what he wanted to do. It afforded me the same opportunity.

My mother took me to a lot of operas and when I was eight I got the opportunity to be in one and I realized that transformation into these make-believe situations was possible. I decided that was essentially what I wanted to do with my life.

My parents, Romanian immigrants, struggled to provide me a better life than the ones they had left in their homeland. They worked hard to give me every opportunity in life, and once I showed natural talent as a young gymnast, they spent every last penny on my training.

My college life was brief because I started working for my debut film when I was in eleventh standard. But I have no regrets, as I stayed in touch with my friends who keep briefing me about the drama in the college. The opportunity to get into showbiz was so exciting that I couldn't let it pass by.

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