I feel very uneasy with a lot of aspects of the Russian life and the Russian people.

I feel like if I live the Christian life, then the people should be able to see it in my everyday actions.

A lot of people might define a life well lived by how much is in the bank. I feel like it's how much you laugh.

And people are intrigued if I really am as grumpy in real life. People feel a bit let down if I'm laughing or smiling.

What I feel like I'm doing is showing people what is humanly possible when someone commits their entire life to something.

I feel like, when people realize that they are the only person they need to impress, everybody's life will be a lot smoother.

There are people who help you in life. I've been given a helping hand, and that's why I feel it's my duty to help younger artists.

You don't want other people to tell you what to do your whole life. And if you feel like shaving your hair off, then you just do it.

Even when I went out, people had this perception that 'Oh Riya Sen' because they feel what you're on screen, you're the same in real life.

I used to think that the worst thing in life was to end up alone. It's not. The worst thing in life is to end up with people who make you feel alone.

Clever people seem not to feel the natural pleasure of bewilderment, and are always answering questions when the chief relish of a life is to go on asking them.

I tend to be collaborative, and I want to hear other people's ideas. Especially with actors, I want them to feel like they can breathe life into their characters.

Young people especially sometimes feel that the standards of the Lord are like fences and chains, blocking them from those activities that seem most enjoyable in life.

In some ways, her life is so much worse that everybody else's, people feel almost cheered up and inspired. They feel like, 'If Hayley hasn't killed herself, why should I?'

People before the public live an imagined life in the thought of others, and flourish or feel faint as their self outside themselves grows bright or dwindles in that mirror.

I feel like I write so that people can think of it as theirs. If my song is exactly about your life right now, then it is - I don't even want to say that it's mine, because it's yours.

I think things just happen to people. That's healthier, I feel, than believing there's some grand scheme where your story is already inscribed in the Book of Life. Books get rewritten.

There comes a certain point in life when you have to stop blaming other people for how you feel or the misfortunes in your life. You can't go through life obsessing about what might have been.

I think life is a little more basic here in Australia. There aren't so many distractions. People seem to feel they can be kinder with each other here, I think, to a greater extent than in the States.

I feel like my peers now are artists like Madonna and the Stones, Michael Jackson and Prince. These are people who were able to take their careers beyond the normal here-today-gone-tomorrow life span.

Some people feel divorce is an excuse to not compromise. Yes, in life you have to adapt and compromise. But the questions is - when does it stop? How much is too much, how less is too little? That's a personal choice.

I think that we all stand on the dartboard of life. Roughly 30,000 people a year are going to catch a dart labeled pancreatic cancer, and that's unfortunate. It's not what I would have chosen. But I in no way feel like I deserved it.

Whatever I'm writing has seemed to be about something I don't feel I could freely express in my everyday life, and stand-up is a really effective medium for getting people to hear exactly the things and viewpoints that they normally don't want listen to.

People feel that the EU is heading in a direction that they never signed up to. They resent the interference in our national life by what they see as unnecessary rules and regulation. And they wonder what the point of it all is. Put simply, many ask 'why can't we just have what we voted to join - a common market?'

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