Everything takes me longer than I expect. It's the sad truth about life.

Yes, for me Hanukkah is very sad. But the life force that's in me makes it a wonderful holiday, too.

For me, what really excites me about my characters and what pushes their core is the kind of dark, sad side of life.

To think that any animal would be trapped makes me so sad. It's like living in your bedroom for your entire life and never being able to go outside.

There are things you're supposed to learn in life. My biggest regret was terminating a pregnancy when I was about 18. Every day, I think about who that baby would be now; it still makes me sad.

A lot of people tell me that my paintings are sad-looking, but they're actually more pensive than sad. They're very colorful and that says a lot about my disposition in life, how I'm very hopeful.

When people ask if I'm going to be sad that 'The Office' is over, they don't even understand the depth of that question for me. It's an era of my life. No one would have known my name if it wasn't for the show.

Growing up in a predominantly white area of the predominantly white state of Wisconsin, it was, I'm sad to say, relatively easy for me to go through life without recognizing or reckoning with the obvious signs of racism.

I mean, I was just one of the ones who got exposed, and because of the position I was in, where I was in my life, it went mainstream. A lot of people got out of it after my situation, not because I went to prison but because it was sad for them to see me go through something that was so pointless, that could have been avoided.

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