I did a history degree once.

I'm not a huge offensive lineman.

I'm not sure I really want to step into the booth.

We cannot just be nonracist. We really do need to be antiracist.

I was more eager to lose weight than almost anything in retirement.

If it's an outside zone play, you have the green light to cut-block.

David Bakhtiari is a guy I like to watch. He's an exceptional left tackle.

I still spend my time feeling sorry for myself and making serious mistakes.

Even though you strive for perfection, you're never going to play the perfect game.

I can say confidently that I don't think Austin Corbett is going to play tackle in the NFL.

I was always the 250 pound guy that I was when I was 18 years old coming out of high school.

When the game gets eyeballs in newspapers and on TV, that's what in the end is the goal for everyone.

It's important to try and balance my own diet, my own health, my own lifestyle, with the needs of my family.

If you look historically at the draft at quarterbacks in the top 10, about half of them flame out very quickly.

Most period drama is so earnest. A lot of it is about making yourself take seriously things you wouldn't normally.

My mentality from the day I started playing sports was that you get up, you dust yourself off and you do it again.

It's just a matter of sometimes the CTE in your brain affects what happens in your life... and sometimes... it does not.

You just don't eat until you feel like you're gonna throw up at every meal and all of a sudden the weight falls right off.

You don't need to over-dramatise life, you can just reflect it. It's more interesting, in a way, if it appears to ring true.

When I was drafted in Cleveland, I wanted to turn this team back into a perennial playoff contender and to win the Super Bowl.

I live in a flat in central London. I do like it there; there's always stuff going on. But I do crave a bit of peace and quiet.

I really had to train myself to eat like a maniac really four or five meals a day until I felt sick, just to keep the weight on.

The last person to teach me how to act was my A-level Theatre Studies teacher at school, which I literally still draw on. Got an A!

Goodbye not because I'm retiring, but because I'm merely changing jobs. From being your left tackle to being the No. 1 fan of the Cleveland Browns.

I can hardly think of any players that have really walked out of their own volition while there were still teams that really wanted them at a fair price.

The Browns have unbelievable medical resources. I'm always seeking the best help and advice possible. I'll continue to do that even when my career is over.

So, there's no guarantee in the NFL that if you've got the No. 1 pick or you've got a top-five pick, that you're going to be able to draft a franchise quarterback.

But the way I look at it is just about every profession in our society: There's some lasting effects. It's just the way that our society is set up. People have to work.

For me, I would say that the overarching reason that it's important for me to stay in Cleveland... when I was drafted here I really kind of embraced being a Clevelander.

Men and women have different ideas of what constitutes tidiness. I tend to think it's about things being clean, but my mum and girlfriend are more about how things look.

I'm a Cleveland Brown, that's who I am and I'm not going to change allegiances just to get a Super Bowl title. I want to do it as a Cleveland Brown because that's who I am.

Until they study the general population and find out what the likelihood of CTE in a soccer mom is versus an NFL brain, we really have no baseline to rate this study off of.

If I was a stone mason or if I was a painter or building bridges or whatever, there's going to be some wear and tear on your body and your brain. And that's just the way it is.

At university, I said to a girl, 'Before I met you all I could think about was history; now, all I can think about is you'. I thought that was the sort of thing you had to say.

My family, friends and community members rarely spoke about race relations, or how people from different races have different experiences growing up in America. Race was a taboo topic.

I love Cleveland. I really do. I love the Browns, I love being a part of this organization, and it's been kind of my career's mission to help turn this team around into a consistent winner.

Your run blocking looks pretty similar to what the pass blocking looks like when you're going with the play-action pass. So you really do have an opportunity to get really good at it quickly.

I'm a Clevelander. I've spent the majority of my adult life here. Every day when I come to work, it's 'Let's turn this team into a consistent winner.' Because it would be such a special story.

The passion, toughness and determination that you display on a daily basis is an inspiration for myself and for all of my teammates and all the people that wear 'Cleveland' across their chest.

Who cares if they throw a football that has no air pressure? What does it matter? Why don't we let the quarterbacks do whatever they want to the football? I don't understand why there's any rules.

Maybe down the line I think I would like to call a game, but right now, I recognize where my talents are and how much work and growth I would have to have in order to be able to step into that booth.

So while most people dealt with the scale every Monday at the Berea training facility nervous about how high the number was going to be, I was the one that was nervous about how low the number was going to be.

But I do hope that medicine continues to improve and, in 10 years maybe, they'll be able to fix my body better than they did for the poor guys who are crippled up from playing in the NFL in the '60s and the '70s.

I want to learn more about the game as a whole and about the finer points of technique across the line of scrimmage. I want to learn more about coverages and blitzes so I can kind of see the game before it happens.

It would be like when the Cubs won the World Series. Everybody in the country has probably been cheering for them for so long because they've been suffering for so long. And you want to cheer for teams like the Browns.

Growing up in a predominantly white area of the predominantly white state of Wisconsin, it was, I'm sad to say, relatively easy for me to go through life without recognizing or reckoning with the obvious signs of racism.

I'm hired to do a job. They expect me to do a job, and that job requires me to get my butt up and get back to the huddle, get the play and go do it another time. And until I can't physically get up, I'm going to do that.

You have to be able to process 1,000 things that are happening at one time and be able to decide the right technique to use. And have the reaction between what your eyes are seeing and what your hands and feet need to do.

Behavior is individual and projecting an individual behavior upon an entire race is a version of racism. Put yourself in someone else's shoes: imagine what it would be like going thru life having this type of projection on you.

No, but I remember going out to Las Vegas while playing AAU for a team from Wisconsin. I'd heard about this LeBron James guy. We went to the gym to watch his team, and I was very impressed at how big and athletic he was even at that age.

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