Once upon a time we did not focus on a president's private life.

The only way to do everything in your life is to find awesome people to lean on so you can focus your time.

Now is the one time in my life I can be 100% selfish. I'm not married; I don't have kids; I can focus on my career.

If your focus in life is on being productive, when things are not happening... one has to ask oneself, 'Is this worth a grown man's time?'

At school, I was a shy lad and still am. But acting gives me licence to be up there, demanding the focus. It's the one time in my life where I don't have to shout to be heard.

When you're a young actor, and you're really fighting to have your place in the world - for me, anyway - it took a mental focus and energy and striving. It took a long time. And it was my whole life.

I always have a very complex personal life as far as romance goes. Sometimes I have a little too much time to get into too much trouble... and drama. It's either I'm working, or I have nothing to do but focus on my personal life. It's a little hectic.

I suppose a certain degree of adulthood has entered my life. Aiming for Broadway, I can't think that way any more. Of course, Broadway will always be important. But it's not the focus of everything that you do. You know, I'm very happy I was born when I was, so I got there in time. When it was time to get there.

The whole thing about me being The Showstopper - and Mr. WrestleMania - is that it was something I said once, and it took on a life of its own from there. Truthfully, I think the idea of going out and stealing the show is something you ought to do every time you wrestle. But if you focus only on that element, you end up doing almost too much.

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