My hole is warm and full of light.

Photography is painting with light

I am not my own light unto myself.

The light of the screen annoys me.

Children always turn to the light.

Universe consists of frozen light.

Jon passes from Darkness to Light.

A gray day provides the best light.

To friendship every burden's light.

One idea lights a thousand candles.

Amiability shines by its own light.

Love is the white light of emotion.

Best to live lightly, unthinkingly.

In like a dimwit, out like a light.

Use the light to return to clarity.

What darkness to you is light to me

Fear builds walls to bar the light.

I always have a ring light with me.

Outside the sky is light with stars

Don't make light of any man's pain.

Can the darkness condemn the light?

Fill each day with light and heart.

Light means nothing to a blind man.

The substance of painting is light.

To learn to read is to light a fire.

Heaven is a house with porch lights.

Thus shadow owes its birth to light.

Light is time thinking about itself.

Colors are light's suffering and joy

The real us is pure love, pure light

We wake, if ever at all, to mystery.

I send you Love and all Green Lights

My first thought is always of light.

Storytelling is what lights my fire.

I can't stand light. I hate weather.

The gladsome light of jurisprudence.

By the light of your stars, heal me.

The sun is gone, but I have a light.

The light that lies In woman's eyes.

I want painting to be my flashlight.

Lights are glowing in the palm trees.

They danced by the light of the moon.

No sky is heavy if the heart be light

The truth, as the light, makes blind.

I bet you like sitting at red lights.

I'm drawn between the light and dark.

Numb the dark and you numb the light.

A light here required a shadow there.

Wherever there's light, there's bugs.

Light is my brush. Film is my canvas.

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