I love to scout locations.

A lot of a movie is locations, frankly.

I really like shooting in real locations.

I do actually like to visit haunted locations.

UP has such beautiful locations and such ease of shooting.

The only thing that changes in my novels are the locations.

That's one great thing about my profession, traveling to locations.

My wife and two children traveled with me on locations all last season.

The United States and Arizona are both losing jobs to offshore locations.

We have always had many more franchisee candidates than available locations.

Some locations are so terrible, you can't even breathe, and you still have to act.

We have more franchisees that want to pay us money than we have locations to go into.

I like shooting locations just because too much control on the stage can be a bad thing.

There are a couple of locations in 'The Hobbit' that are shared with 'Lord of the Rings.'

I've been acting for 25 years, living out of suitcases on theater tours or film locations.

I'm always up for new places and new locations… I think it's the funnest part about the job.

Today, I'm very careful not to mention very specific locations when I write or give captions.

When California provides the same value as other locations, I'd gladly shoot all my pictures here.

I truly believe Abu Dhabi is one of the world's best film locations, and I can't wait to come back.

I'm kind of a globetrotter. I've been traveling since I was born and living in different locations.

I seem to be landing really great locations on a lot of my work. I hope that continues, knock on wood.

Getting to travel around the world and go to glamorous locations is certainly not what I had as a kid.

I shoot reality-based movies, and in actual locations, shooting them with a star is next to impossible.

There are such beautiful locations outside India, and the experience of shooting in Istanbul was awesome.

I like to be in locations that I kind of feel are very creative, that stimulate me in a creative process.

I see Baccarat in major gateway cities like Paris, Tokyo, Shanghai and Hong Kong and exotic resort locations.

My partner and I are looking at several locations on Park Avenue South and Midtown for a new restaurant space.

Clearly-drawn front lines have become a thing of the past due to complex locations with ubiquitous enemy threats.

Maybe it was escapism, but I had become obsessed with going to remote locations and keeping myself behind the camera.

You go to traffic court in many locations throughout the country, and you can spell justice - J-U-S-T dash U-S. Just us.

I'm really in no one city more than two months during the year. I'm constantly having to readapt my eye to new locations.

I have been to the South several times. The picturesque locations were a real treat for the eyes and I also love the culture.

As long as I can keep remembering the lines and getting to the locations, I want to keep working as long as I can. I love it.

There's so many interesting aspects of making a movie: the costume department, the set design, the casting itself, the locations.

I speak four languages, and I've seen some of the most spectacular locations in the world and met hundreds of fascinating people.

I am on my bike daily, and most of the locations, warehouses and specific residences from 'The Cut' were found while I was riding.

I think it's good to have different locations for different modes you want to be in throughout the day, and to keep them separate.

If not managed properly, owning a company and running a business with multiple locations can make you feel constantly overwhelmed.

I like finding things in locations where I've worked and things from down South and things from flea markets or even the sidewalks.

Its true that I never ever got a chance to shoot in Jaipur, despite it being one of the most sought-after locations in our country.

I love great locations in movies, and I couldn't believe I'd never seen a landfill on screen before. It was the most haunting place.

I sketch while I'm on set, and it's a way for me to record all of the locations I've been to. I don't keep a diary but a sketchbook.

The way I work with my cinematographer is not based on general principles, but the ideas are triggered by the locations where we shoot.

I always prefer shooting on locations, because when I'm at home, it's harder to sort of get lost in the world of whatever you're making.

What's so great with 'Game of Thrones' is that there are so many characters and they're so many locations and that it's just very inspiring.

I've met so many new fans and amazing people while traveling to new cities and locations throughout 2017 in support of my album 'American Teen.'

Indian film industry has shot films all over the world and we get a lot of benefits and facilities while shooting our films in foreign locations.

I liked working in a series, going to work every day and not having to leave town for long locations. I was producing them and building an audience.

Locations are all tough, all miserable. I never left the sound stage for 18 years at Warners. We never went outside the studio, not even for big scenes.

There's no way you can shoot low-budget stuff on lots of locations. It's just a practicality thing because every time you move, it costs time and money.

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