I grew up as this rather lonely European kid living in the east Malaysian jungle.

Even to loneliness there is an end, for those who are lonely enough, long enough.

The silence that is in the starry sky, / The sleep that is among the lonely hills.

There were times when i felt in a slump or lonely but i never thought of giving up

Lonely men seek companionship. Lonely women sit at home and wait. They never meet.

There is a pleasure in the pathless woods, There is a rapture on the lonely shore.

If only the bird with the loveliest song sang, the forest would be a lonely place.

The fate of the bridges is to be lonely; because bridges are to cross not to stay!

And God stands winding His lonely horn, And time and the world are ever in flight.

The individual has always to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.

I am a lover without a lover. I am lovely and lonely and I belong deeply to myself.

We could have been happy. I know that, and it is perhaps the hardest thing to know.

Whoever you are, no matter how lonely, the world offers itself to your imagination.

Lies had deserted me, and I felt as lonely as though they had been my only friends.

Fame always brings loneliness. Success is as ice cold and lonely as the North Pole.

You will go with me everywhere. When I'm dreaming, you still share my lonely nights.

How tired God must be of guilt and loneliness, for that is all we ever bring to Him.

To lose your last remaining parent is the toughest thing. It is a very lonely thing.

One may have a blazing hearth in one's soul, and yet no one ever comes to sit by it.

A life without a lonely place, that is, without a quiet center, becomes destructive.

I cry a lot. I'll cry because I see a person walking down the street looking lonely.

I began to write because I was too shy to talk, and too lonely not to send messages.

I'm a baseball player. Not being able to play baseball certainly was a lonely thing.

A lot of people spend their time just floating/ We were victims together but lonely.

And Goodness knows The Wicked's lives are lonely Goodness knows The Wicked die alone

I can't really have any friends. It's sad, really. It's lonely. But that's how I am.

Hold her for me. Hold her tight. Don't let her be lonely. Don't let her hurt. Please.

One mighty deed can change the course of things; a lonely thought becomes omnipotent.

Directing is extrovert and gregarious; writing is isolating, introverted, and lonely.

Along the road you travel, may the miles be a thousand times more lovely than lonely.

People tell me there are a lot of guys like me, which doesn't explain why I'm lonely.

Here I was again tonight forcing laughter, faking smiles Same old tired, lonely place

Loneliness is and always has been the central and inevitable experience of every man.

Stand-up's hard. It's one of the hardest things in the world, and it's really lonely.

Stormy or sunny days, glorious or lonely nights, I maintain an attitude of gratitude.

If I had a dog I would not feel so lonely, but I suppose that is asking for too much.

In loneliness, the lonely one eats himself; in a crowd, the many eat him. Now choose.

No matter how isolated or lonely or down and out you feel, there is always a way out.

One ceases to be lonely only in recollection; perhaps that is why people read history.

I get so lonely sometimes, I could put a box on my head and mail myself to a stranger.

Writing is a lonely way of life. You shut yourself up in your study and work and work.

My first and biggest love was always fiction writing. But it is a very lonely pastime.

I'm supposed to be, I am an artist. Yes, I'm lonely. But I'm married to my loneliness.

The hungry feeling and the lonely feeling merged until it was hard to tell them apart.

There is only one number one. It is a lonely spot but it has got the best view of all.

Here in a little lonely room I am master of earth and sea, And the planets come to me.

It can be very lonely and depressing to be a writer, and to be alone in your own head.

From the ruins, lonely and inexplicable as the sphinx, rose the Empire State Building.

I felt lonely and content at the same time. I believe that is a rare kind of happiness.

Music was my oxygen. It's what saved me from being a really lonely and scared teenager.

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