And gentle winds and waters near, make music to the lonely ear.

We are all so much together, but we are all dying of loneliness.

I was an only child. I did have kind of like a lonely existence.

I pray that no missionary will ever be as lonely as I have been.

Only in the agony of parting do we look into the depths of love.

I don't like being out of the crowd. It's lonely within a group.

In Montana, a policeman will pull you over because he is lonely.

Once, I had a dream of fame. Generally, even then, I was lonely.

Weeded and worn the ancient thatch Upon the lonely moated grange.

I dwell in a lonely house I know That vanished many a summer ago.

No price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself.

Too many of us are lonely ministers practicing a lonely ministry.

Being the smartest person in the room I think can be very lonely.

Just because I am alone, does not mean I am lonely. I am not you.

It is strange to be known so universally and yet to be so lonely.

No man is lonely eating spaghetti; it requires so much attention.

No man is lonely eating spaghetti; it requires so much attention.

If you tell the truth about how you're feeling, it becomes funny.

I fear you may become a lonely man, even in the company of others.

Music is supposed to make you less lonely - that's the whole idea.

There's something about lonely nights and my lipstick on your face

To cry on court during a Wimbledon final, you must feel so lonely.

Doubt is a pain too lonely to know that faith is his twin brother.

And I somehow always felt less lonely when I was completely alone.

Creativity is essentially a lonely art. An even lonelier struggle.

The lonely heart you see tonight will not give up without a fight.

I am no more lonely than the loon on the pond that laughs so loud.

I am not without an object in life, but I feel lonely and deserted.

Lonely people console themselves with self-absorption or curiosity.

He was a lonely ghost uttering a truth that nobody would ever hear.

There are men and women so lonely they believe God, too, is lonely.

Feeling lonely and ignoble indicates that you haven't been patient.

Chronic pain can be very lonely. It can have a shame-based quality.

Even if it is painful and lonely, associate with worthy companions.

If we don't know how to be alone, we'll only know how to be lonely.

You're only lonely if you don't like the person you are alone with.

I am lonely. I clean up the house, put kids to bed and there I sit.

If I don't read, I get lonely. If I don't write, I forget who I am.

I used to feel very lonely on the team. The boys would all pair up.

When you're growing up, it's very easy to feel lonely and insecure.

Lonely people keep up a ceaseless flow of commentary on themselves.

I feel the madness creeping slowly. Loved by many I'm still lonely.

Anyone would be lying if they said they didn't get lonely at times.

Can't he be lonely and unbalanced around someone else's girlfriend?

I want you to know, that when you are lonely, I will be lonely too.

Being an entrepreneur is probably the most lonely thing you can do.

A man thinking or working is always alone, let him be where he will.

It is not pleasant to come upon Death in a lonely place at midnight.

Loneliness is the poverty of self; solitude is the richness of self.

I often think that drama helps people feel less lonely about things.

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