The dream is short, repentance long.

I've been a golden boy for too long.

I wish you all a long and happy life

With a heavy load and a long journey

If I persist long enough I will win.

I'm from Long Island. Strong Island.

I've been outta my mind a long time.

The ball is round, the game is long.

You can't cheat the public for long.

In waking a tiger, use a long stick.

You're immortal as long as you live.

Fumes of wine shorten the long road.

Talent is nothing but long patience.

As long as I love Beauty I am young.

Intimidation doesn't last very long.

I'm satisfied as long as I dominate.

Life, if well lived, is long enough.

Resilience can go an awful long way.

This is the short and the long of it.

Long memory, short fuse, big revenge.

As long as I am thinking, I am alive.

A little reciprocity goes a long way.

They lived long that have lived well.

Long live the Unity of Latin America.

There are babies a span long in hell.

Instant gratification takes too long.

It's been a long way, but we're here.

As long as it's not me, I'll be cool.

I took a long period off to be a mom.

A little knowledge can go a long way.

I long to kiss the image of my death.

A little personality goes a long way.

So long, and thanks for all the fish.

Long ago I left heroics to the heroes

THERE are joys which long to be ours.

Good times don't last long sometimes.

it doesn't take long to stay an hour.

I always sings too long and too loud.

Long-term success depends upon trust.

It's only forever... Not long at all.

Short on glamour and long on tragedy.

No one can wear a mask for very long.

Life should be great rather than long.

I had long hair when I was a teenager.

'Every man a king' - that's my slogan.

A little man often cast a long shadow.

Long-term vision and product strategy.

Life is short, but the years are long.

Why don't we all just get a long-neck?

Talent is nothing but long impatience.

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