I've seen makeup destroy people and make them look bad if it's badly done.

You can feel like, 'I look really bad', but to other people you can be really gorgeous.

I don't like when people try to put a spin and have a second agenda to make a person look bad.

I'll hear people say every so often that having HIV must not be so bad - 'Just look at Magic and how well he's doing.'

I don't have a desire to prove people wrong, as such, because if you take a look at my Premier League record it's not too bad.

Any show that speaks to people of color feels the burden to never mess up, never make its characters look bad - to always get it right.

I have a tendency to trail off in conversations. I don't look up at people sometimes when I talk or cook, and those are all pretty bad no-no's being in front of the camera.

At this point I've got a bit of a track record. So people realize that when 'Weird Al' wants to go parody, it's not meant to make them look bad... it's meant to be a tribute.

Being bad at maths shouldn't be something to brag about, and I'm glad people are waking up to this, but there's no reason be embarrassed to look for help when it comes to numeracy.

If people ask, 'Are you Sherlock Holmes?', it's horribly naff, but I say, 'I'm not, I just look a bit like him' - which is how I feel. There are bad attributes of his that I really don't share!

When I look back now I realize I was such an obnoxious kid but, you know, I went to schools like you, like a public school in New York so compared to the anarchy that was going on there, they really wouldn't - I wasn't like a bad kid. I saw people come in and punch the teachers.

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