Sometimes I forget how much people look at you as their hero. I forget that.

I look at my Twitter feed sometimes, and there's just people tearing apart other performers.

Sometimes I feel limited by people's perceptions of what I can and cannot do, or what I do or don't look like.

When something gets attention so quickly, people sometimes will look for reasons to find fault and tear it down.

People look at you and see that you've made it, but sometimes they forget that it took you years of being a human being.

Sometimes I look at Helen Mirren on stage and think, 'You really are the Queen.' You see people bowing to her at the stage door!

I sometimes get starstruck when I meet people who I didn't necessarily know what they look like, like directors or DPs, if I'm a huge fan of theirs.

Sometimes, when you are in the public eye, you just really need to just be part of the crowd, and look at other people rather than other people look at you.

Sometimes you forget where the heck you are but when you get on stage, you know by the look on the people's faces and the accent in their voices where you might be.

What theatre started to look at much earlier than any other form was the internal operations of ordinary people, sometimes using mythic models in order to tell the story.

Some people may look at you almost like a fantasy at times, you know; some people don't think you're real. Because people forget that celebrities are humans too, sometimes.

I'd rather look old than look as if I'd had plastic surgery. Sometimes it looks really fake; all people can think about when they look at you is that you've had plastic surgery.

When you're not successful, people look at the driver and say, 'what's wrong with him?' and sometimes the drivers look back and wonder 'what makes you think you're not the problem?'

It's like being in a trance, like I get this electric current through my fingertips. Sometimes I shake. People say I look like Hendrix when I'm about to rip a solo because I move my shoulders like he does and do the chewing.

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