Tape reading is a lost art that today is not very useful.

I think that, in a digital age, album covers are becoming a lost art.

Teaching is not a lost art, but the regard for it is a lost tradition.

People say conversation is a lost art; how often I have wished it were.

I think reading a room - reading the personalities, reading body language - is kind of a lost art.

That's something lacking in a lot of modern-day families - just talking. It's almost a lost art form.

I just want to have folks be comfortable and just share and have a good conversation. To me, that's kind of a lost art.

I like it when somebody tells me a story, and I actually really feel that that's becoming like a lost art in American cinema.

Really, I think that going out and playing with your friends is kind of becoming a lost art, with the kids in the neighborhood.

Book-jacket design may become a lost art, like album-cover design, without which late-20th-century iconography would have been pauperized.

Humility is becoming a lost art, but it's not difficult to practice. It means that you realize that others have been involved in your success.

So I like to try to go back and develop pure visual storytelling. Because to me, it's one of the most exciting aspects of making movies and almost a lost art at this point.

I'm a planner, an organizer. I write things down because you can visually check them off and see progress. Writing things down is a lost art. I've got sticky notes all over my apartment.

Playing live is a lost art, and you don't see a lot of bands that go out and play the way the older bands do. It's a celebration, and a lot of people treat it like a commercial or a distraction.

For some reason, being on time in this industry can be a lost art form, especially for actors! It's important to remember that other people are always waiting for you on set, and it's really unfair to make them wait.

When I first started doing these roasts in the mid '90s, they were a lost art, like jousting or calligraphy. But I feel like roasts help tame the room and let off steam... It's like it's all being handled by professionals.

Relationships are so important to me. Talking to someone, listening to them, and even writing a handwritten note or giving someone a picture in a frame has become a lost art because we are inclined to just do it all through technology.

Tell a story. You don't have to do a thousand things in two minutes when you can do one just as good and still tell that story with your face or how you land or your reaction. That's a lost art. Storytelling is a big part of our industry, and if given time, you can do it properly.

It's kind of a lost art form, the musical, in a way, so when 'La La Land' came around, I couldn't believe my luck. I just felt like I needed someone to keep on pinching me 'cause not only was it a chance to make a musical but to work with Damien Chazelle, Emma Stone, and Ryan Gosling.

I feel that the music that I do is somewhat of a lost art and it's not as popular as dance or pop music and people are not as interested in it. But it's something that I believe in and I feel that it's needed, so that's why I do it and I will keep doing it until everybody hears it and gets it.

I used to be a calligrapher for weddings and events - that was my side job while I was auditioning. I think handwritten notes are a lost art form. When I booked my first pilot, my dad wrote me a letter that I still have. The idea of someone taking the time to put pen to paper is really special.

I'm an advocate of music in schools. It's important to me that music is in as many schools as possible across this country and across the world. I think that it's a lost art form because kids aren't as exposed to it as maybe they used to be, or should be. I was exposed heavily to jazz and that's why I love it.

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