I love my work, I love the people I work with, I do the best I can.

The best way to show someone you love them is to care for the people they love.

One of the best parts of working at 'O' is that people just love to send us stuff.

I love books, and all the best ones are people analysing their own emotions. You can learn from that.

Mumbai and its people are full of warmth and love - it has the best qualities of all the cities in India.

Love is a mess, at best, and I figure it can be very real in spite of all the things people try to attach to it.

I'm never worried about being upstaged. I love to have the best, most individual people come in and see if we hit on something.

I've met so many people in person who watch my videos, and the best thing I hear is when they say, 'I love you just for being you.'

The best and most sustainable love story for markets is one based on a healthy and dynamic real economy that creates jobs and opportunities for many more people.

When it comes down to my brand, We the Best, we're about the people and whoever is passionate and in love the way I'm in love when it comes down to the headphones I'm promoting.

If you're lucky enough to have a pretty girl love you and share herself and sleep with you, make that your secret. The best way to spoil love is by talking to too many people about it.

Spike Lee is one of my biggest influences. What I love about Spike, other than he's just a fun guy to hang around, is that Spike is fearless. As much as people talk about him being politically outspoken, let's not forget that he's one of the best screenwriters, ever, in addition to being a visual master.

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