I love New York: it reminds me a bit of London.

I love Minnesota. The cold is fine with me, being from New Jersey.

I love short trips to New York; to me it is the finest three-day town on earth.

The thing about me is that I love variety. I like to try new things, and I don't want to be pinned back.

My new favourite smell is new baby smell. It makes me so happy. If someone could bottle that, I'd love to have it.

I love couture, but the other side of me loves the street, and I think the mix of these two can create something new.

I'm a Broadway baby, through and through. It's my first love, and it's what brought me to New York in the first place.

I live in Mussoorie. I love my birds and Himalayas. There is always a new mountain to climb and mountains keep coming to me.

Film is new for me so I'm so fascinated by it and love it, but I would pass out if I could never do theater again. I'd be physically ill!

The one thing that I would say that defines me is I love to learn. I get excited about new things. I buy more books than I read or finish.

I love New York. I love the multicultural vibe here. Los Angeles doesn't inspire me in any way. Everyone is in the same industry, yet you feel very isolated.

I'm such a product junkie - I love trying new products and new shades. For me, it's really exciting to see what new and wonderful products come onto the market.

That's the thing I love the most - making records and creating new things. That's always the thing that grabbed me. Making records is the thing that I really love.

The blessings wrestling has given me have allowed me to find some new passions, but it's really hard when you've got that first love, and nothing really replaces it.

I thrive with fashion and shopping and imports and things like that. It gives me a rush. I love Barneys New York and Neiman Marcus and all the top-of-the-line houses.

Making lists of favorite things is, for me, a task ridden with anxiety. What if I've accidentally excluded something I love? What if I discover something new tomorrow that I love even more?

There had been talk about me getting involved with the new team in Houston. I don't know if it's something that will become a realization, but it would be something that I would love to do.

I started out a die-hard New Yorker but really grew to love working in Los Angeles. Even though I originally wanted to do theater, TV presented more opportunities for me, which led me out west.

I was a drummer in a group called Three Plus. We were performing at a club in New York, and my mother signed me up for tap classes. I fell in love from the door... so you can blame it on my mother.

I love to run. I was challenged to run the New York marathon four months after having my youngest son, and since running isn't a big part of softball, the thought of a marathon was a stretch for me.

I have an iPod, but I do still love CDs. There's something nice and tangible about a CD. I'm a mixture of old and new - I love my sewing machine, but I've also embraced new technology. The iPad is what did it for me - it's extraordinary.

'All In' is like the Giants motto, so I kind of took that, and I kind of used New York as the backdrop - how diehard New Yorkers are for their team. Me being a New Yorker, I just had to show my love for the city as well as my love for the New York Giants.

For me, the first thing I fell madly in love with when I was little, was, Gilda Radner had this live performance that she had done at the Met that was on tape, and I could rent it from Video Video in New Jersey where I lived, and so I literally would rent it every two weeks.

I've always loved doing covers. Some artists don't like covers. Some listeners don't like covers. But I love them. It gives you a new perspective production-wise. It's easier for me, if I'm starting a new record, I like to produce a few songs that aren't mine just so it frees me up not to worry about it so much.

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