I love being in a relationship, but marriage isn't for me.

Well, a girlfriend once told me never to fight with anybody you don't love.

I really love 'Bicycle Thief.' That just reminds me of my relationship with my father.

When Tony was madly in love with me, his relationship with Vanessa Redgrave was ending.

It takes me forever to actually finish something like a ten-page essay. But, when I do, I usually love what they are. It's a complicated relationship.

Some people associate red with love, but to me, red is for an earlier stage of a relationship. Black is much deeper, to me. It's certainly the sexiest color.

It's a classic love story: me and my hair. I have loved my hair. I have betrayed my hair. My hair and I have gone through this long, gut-wrenching relationship.

Don't throw petals on the floor if they have no meaning. I would rather have a fun, casual relationship than have someone pretending they're completely in love with me.

I'm a Fritos Burrito guy. Me and Taco Bell have a love relationship on Twitter; they follow me. Out of 16 people they follow me, so I'm very loyal to my girlfriend, Taco Bell.

If I'm in a relationship, I'm 1,000% in it. I love doing things for them and surprising them. And that's just something I thoroughly enjoy and it gives me a lot of pleasure. I just haven't found that right girl yet.

I was invited to a dinner party by an ex, and I was convinced that he wanted to rekindle our relationship. I prohibited my friends from coming with me because I didn't want to make it awkward for them when he professed his love to me.

I love when people come up to me and tell me they are in a relationship because of me. But I equally love the breakup stories, the person who says, 'I left someone last week because of you.' I like to think I saved 10 years of their lives.

I love WWE so much. There is no greater love than the WWE Universe. I know we are in a love-hate relationship, but at least they feel passionate about me. They love me one second, then boo me the next. That's what I love about the WWE Universe.

I'd fallen in love with a woman but she broke up with me and I was devastated. Six months later, I went into a suicidal depression from the break-up of the relationship, but I resolved to not do what my friends had done. And so I reached out for help.

I feel an intense intimacy with those who have this loathing interest in me. Further than this, I know what they mean, I sympathize with them, I understand them. There should be a name (as poetic as love) for this relationship between loather and loathed; it is of the closest and more full of passion than incest.

My parents' example of a loving, caring relationship, I think, has affected my songwriting a ton and allowed me to start writing love songs that people could connect to without sounding like you're being cheesy, because they're coming from a real place, something that I saw coming up. I think they're a huge influence on my songwriting.

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