An idea can turn to dust or magic, depending on the talent that rubs ...

An idea can turn to dust or magic, depending on the talent that rubs against it.

There’s a bit of hidden magic in every mistake. The magic is called ...

There’s a bit of hidden magic in every mistake. The magic is called learning.

The highest art... sets down its creations and trusts in their magic, ...

The highest art... sets down its creations and trusts in their magic, without fear of not being understood.

A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, ...

A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work.

Magic is my paint.

I don't like magic.

All done by kindness.

Manuka honey is magic.

Magic really helped me.

You're a wizard, Harry.

Art is a sense of magic.

The magic's back, folks.

I don't believe in magic.

You don't question magic.

Never ever doubt in magic.

Brad "not great" Henderson.

she’s mad, but she’s magic.

The world is its own magic.

This is your brain on magic.

You want magic to feel real.

There is something in omens.

Science is magic that works.

The screen is a magic medium.

Movies are like magic tricks.

Music is Magic. Magic is Life

Be natural and use your head.

Magicians guard an empty safe.

Half magic is no magic at all.

Magic is at the core of myths.

Honest, I only cheat a leetle.

I love the magic of the studio.

Magic. It can get a guy killed.

Magic likes a good tragedy, too.

Is magic not enough to live for?

I really don't believe in magic.

Do not be a magician - be magic!

I don't believe in magic, either.

Repetition is the death of magic.

In memory Venice is always magic.

The purest magic is in the heart.

Nature is a petrified magic city.

Genius is another word for magic.

Sometimes magic sounds like tape.

Large action arrest small action.

Men are good but women are magic.

There is no magic in small plans.

Align with nature... Magic happens

Magic lives in curves, not angles.

The house of magic has many rooms.

Magic, like technology, is a tool.

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