It's really exciting to get to be the main character of something.

To me the interesting main character is never the one without flaws.

'Cloud Atlas' is for everybody. The main character in the movie is humanity.

Jin-hyung had a lot of cool parts in 'Fake Love.' Jin-hyung is the main character.

I want to give every single character the dimensions and complexity of a main character.

When you don't have a main character that's flawed, I don't know how you relate to that person.

Stories in which the player doesn't inhabit the main character are difficult for games to handle.

There are relatively few science fiction or fantasy books with the main character being an old person.

I write both fiction and nonfiction. I begin my fiction with the main character. The story comes later.

I love the show 'Billions.' But the main character is basically a hedge fund scumbag, and he's the hero.

When you're writing first person, all I can see and tell as the author is what that main character can see.

I couldn't bloody believe a prime-time TV show would have an Iraqi ex-Republican Guard torturer as a main character.

As we like to say on 'This Is Us,' death is not a release. Our main character has never been alive for the entire run!

You want, in a sense, to relate to the main character, so often, the main character POV is a bit more of a blank slate.

The same way that you are the main character of your story, you are only a secondary character in everybody else's story.

'100 Bullets' is a novel on its own. 'Brother Lono,' other than the main character, has nothing to do with '100 Bullets.'

People are always thinking that I'm the main character in my books, but each one has been different, and sometimes they've been men.

The main character in the book is usually someone you're identifying with because the story is being told through this person's mind.

Coming from TV and film, rule number one is that you always service the main character first and foremost. If that's not working, you've got nothing.

My dad calls me 'Mac' a lot, from 'Mike Tyson's Punch Out' - Little Mac is the main character. I was obsessed. I can still beat Mike Tyson on 'Punch Out.'

I would love to write a script where the main character is a woman. I know I can direct a film where the main character is a woman. I cannot write that film.

When I was little, I used to get a comic - 'Cheeky Weekly' - which was a weekly comic whose main character was Cheeky. I used to get 'Roy of the Rovers,' too.

Whenever people say they didn't like the main character of a book, they mean they didn't like the book. The main character has to be a friend? I don't get that.

My first time playing a main character was in 'Seventeen Years.' It was directed by famous Sixth Generation director Zhang Yuan, but it wasn't a large commercial film.

Good comedy films, if you listen to the score, the music is not trying to be funny. It's always, in a way, underscoring the tragedy and struggle of the main character.

Sometimes female characters start out as the wife or girlfriend, but then I realize, 'No, she's the book,' and she becomes a main character. I surrender the book to her.

Doing field trips rather than simply researching online allows me to experience the story from the point of view of my main character; you can't get that by sitting at a desk.

It's really a misconception to identify the writer with the main character, given that the author creates all the characters in the book. In certain ways, I'm every character.

There's a real, brutal nature to the capitalism practiced by the main character in 'How to Get Filthy Rich in Rising Asia.' And I think playing dirty is certainly part of that.

I like emotional horror. I don't like horror movies. I hate them. But, if you can make emotional horror movies, I'm in. If I can care and root for the main character, then I'm in.

I abhor crime novels in which the main character can behave however he or she pleases, or do things that normal people do not do, without those actions having social consequences.

I want to push that no matter what race you are, you're never just a sidekick or broken character. You're the main character, you're the funny character, you can be whatever you want.

I actually reached out to my agent about appearing on 'The Good Wife.' The main character of the show went to Georgetown and that's where I played my college ball so there's a small connection.

Any show that kind of relish the damage of its main character without really investigating what that damage does, where it's from or what it means, is a show I think needs to be taken down a peg.

Yes, Charles Yu names his main character after himself. That main character, in fact, is both time-machine repairman and author of a book called 'How to Live Safely in a Science Fictional Universe.'

I called my show 'Power' because, for me, the whole series is about the way my main character, Ghost, is power-less over his circumstances, even though he has almost endless access to money and guns.

The big insight that I have, not so much from writing 'Red Notice' but from living as the main character of 'Red Notice', is that Russia was and is a criminal state unlike any other sovereign country.

When I work on a movie, I look at the script or watch the film, and I talk to my director or producers and make a plan: this is our main character; we need a theme for this plot. We need a love theme.

I've always loved pinup art, and I've always enjoyed drawing women. I think it was a conscious decision that has resulted in me getting almost exclusive work on comics where the main character is female.

Even as I was writing 'Empire State,' I knew there were more adventures for the main character, private detective Rad Bradley, to have. I also knew that the world was far larger than what I'd presented in book one.

The writer must be a participant in the scene... like a film director who writes his own scripts, does his own camera work, and somehow manages to film himself in action, as the protagonist or at least the main character.

'The Butler' has virtually nothing in common with its source material, the life of White House butler Gene Allen, except for the fact that the main character of the film and Allen were both black butlers in the White House.

I can remember back to when I was 12, 13, and any show that I watched, I wanted to be the main character and embody them, and I think the fact that Sabrina is, in so many ways, such a positive role model for young girls is really cool.

I think the character does tend to suit an episodic thing, because what's fun about him is that he doesn't care about anyone else, and it's very difficult for a main character - a lead character - in a movie to not care about anybody else.

I'm often asked where my nickname 'Kun' comes from. My parents says it was a Japanese cartoon I used to watch on television when I was very young, set in the Stone Age, where the main character was a boy called Kum Kum, the little caveman.

In 2018, according to the Children's Cooperative Book Center at the University of Wisconsin's School of Education, fewer than a third of all children's and young adult books in the United States featured a person of color as a main character.

When my main character in 'Heat' climbs the tower, the highest diving platform, hoping to resume competitive diving after an injury, I am there with her, sensing the cold grit under her instep. The details are what matter - they are the experience.

I guess when you take a look at the book 'Atlas Shrugged,' I think most people always like to identify with the main character - that would be John Galt. I guess I identify with Hank Rearden, the fella that just refused until the very end to give up.

Whatever you perceive, you always make a story with yourself as the main character, and that dictates your life. Then when you read 'The Four Agreements', you hear another voice beneath the story, the voice that comes from your integrity, your spirit.

Allowing alternative narrative modes in popular entertainment may seem obvious, yet when you turn a pilot into the people upstairs and the main character isn't after what she wants by the top of page two, you get treated as if you've failed at writing.

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