We play for March.

Beware the ides of March.

The Women's March moved me.

The Women's March hates Jews!

March on, the Lord is our General.

Tourism is the march of stupidity.

The march of the human mind is slow.

The march of progress must continue.

The march to freedom is irreversible.

Fundamentalism is still on the march.

Everybody marches to a different drummer.

The March sunne raises but dissolves not.

The Ides of March? That doesn't worry me.

Strike up the drum and march courageously.

Rich people march on Washington every day.

Our lives are but our marches to the grave.

February makes a bridge and March breaks it.

The Ides of March was a fairly cynical film.

He Who Marches Out Of Step Hears Another Drum

I have destroyed the enemy merely by marches.

The march is a way to get in celebration mode.

'The Ides of March' was a fairly cynical film.

I saw my father march with Martin Luther King.

Life marches by, I suggest you get on with it.

The march is a way to get in celebration mode.

My heart was beating like an army on the march.

March 4th, the only day that is also a sentence

History marched to the drums of a clear idea...

Fate Marches on, demanding we find our destinies

It's better to dance than to march through life.

By March, 70 percent of women would be employed.

Troops of furies march in the drunkard's triumph.

I was born in March 1949, a post war baby boomer.

The truth is on the march and nothing will stop it.

...an everlasting funeral marches round your heart.

The Wedding March has a bit of a death march in it.

Good teams win in the fall. They don't win in March.

I was a sports fan, but I also went to peace marches.

China is on a march toward rule of law and democracy.

Reading is a possession, a march toward a possession.

The objective is to be competitive from March onwards.

I must always march on in my life. What's done is done.

I'm tired of ignoring that I march to a different beat.

A typewriter forces you to keep going, to march forward.

I even done a doo-wop version of the Mickey Mouse march.

Our little force will march on tomorrow or the day after.

Africa is no more this poor continent. It's on the march.

We shall meet again before long to march to new triumphs.

You've got to be a fool to want to stop the march of time.

March on. Don't look in the rearview, just the windshield.

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