Don't gobblefunk around with words.

Nobody can beat the Marvellous one!

It's been marvellous. I've had a fantastic career.

I simply have a marvellous life, a very lucky life.

Milan is marvellous, picturesque, and full of elegance.

'Skyfall' was marvellous, the best Bond film ever made.

Messi is incredible and his history in football is marvellous.

It's marvellous to be popular, but foolish to think it will last.

If we concede three, and I am marvellous on the ball, it is no good.

Football is marvellous and there are countless ways to play and to win.

One of Kuhn's marvellous legacies is science studies as we know it today.

An Ibra-Messi tandem would have been marvellous, but history decided otherwise.

Love and understand the Italians, for the people are more marvellous than the land.

'The Gardener' is more than a marvellous collection of images by a master photographer.

It is a marvellous thing to be physically a woman if only to know the marvels of a man.

You put on eyeliner, and people start screaming at you. How strange, and how marvellous.

She had caprices of a marvellous unexpectedness, and how is any one to imitate a caprice?

I'm not the new Penelope Cruz. I'm Paz Vega. There's only one Penelope and she's marvellous.

Private education can give you confidence, which is marvellous; a sense of entitlement isn't.

Taking it as a whole, Mexico is a grand city, and, as Cortes truly said, its situation is marvellous.

Dancing as a thing to do is marvellous, but you've got to be bloody good at it. I was never good enough.

It was one of the marvellous feelings of the film, having the music going in your head while doing scenes.

I have been very fortunate to coach marvellous teams, and it has been a great honour to work for Switzerland.

It's marvellous, marvellous! Nothing will ever be as much fun. I'm going to photograph everything, everything!

If only someone else could paint what I see, it would be marvellous, because then I wouldnt have to paint at all.

If only someone else could paint what I see, it would be marvellous, because then I wouldn't have to paint at all.

The real universe has a marvellous and unique quality, inasmuch as it and only it can take us completely by surprise.

It's quite true to say that if you work with marvellous fresh ingredients, the simplest dish is taken to another level.

If intelligence is the triumph of life, the spoken word is the marvellous means by which this intelligence is manifested.

I enjoyed six marvellous years at Bayern winning many titles, but the fact is I don't plan on playing in Germany ever again.

When I used to do the Edinburgh Festival, there was a bunch of guys selling fresh oysters and I'd eat ten daily - marvellous.

You can separate the church and state all you like, but Christmas is inescapable, and it's marvellous, and it's not going away.

All-powerful is a woman who doesn't need to be beautiful, but she has so much attitude that she is marvellous, she is powerful.

Since I used to be busy with my work, it was just Gauri who would look after both the children. She has been a marvellous mother.

I have always kept in mind the advice of Ronaldinho, and he spoke wonders of Barcelona and the city, which he told me is marvellous.

My sense of divine brings with it a strange sound of music with its glories, a marvellous melody sounding like a multitude of flutes.

How marvellous it is to enjoy Messi. No one can touch his numbers, and it is impossible for anyone to do what he has done apart from him.

I know how terrifying L.A. can be, because I've been there as a failure. After 'Drive,' it was the most marvellous place in the universe.

Being pregnant is a marvellous experience. Before, I was afraid about the idea of giving birth, but now, I'm really looking forward to it.

I think an individual's mind is a marvellous thing. I truly believe that if your mind is strong, your body tries hard to keep pace with it.

We of America are especially fitted to visualize and to understand the marvellous transformation of a wilderness into a land of splendid cities.

How do I feel about being called a national treasure? I think it's marvellous if that's people's opinion. But I'd rather have the money than the label.

First in France, first in Romania - by land and sea to the English and Paris. Marvellous deeds by that great alliance. The violent brute will lose Lorraine.

I wanted to write about looking at the world, so it's more about helping people, or persuading people, to see what is around us; both the marvellous and the terrible.

When my sister Joan arrived, I asked if I could swap her for a rabbit. When I think what a marvellous friend she's been, I'm so glad my parents didn't take me at my word.

Too often, older women are seen as victims, but I know lots of formidable women who have marvellous jobs as well as a full erotic life, and children and friends and family.

In all works on Natural History, we constantly find details of the marvellous adaptation of animals to their food, their habits, and the localities in which they are found.

My partner of 45 years is Australian, and a big part of her character is that marvellous quality of irony which Aussies possess. I relish their humour and sense of fairness.

A marvellous power of expression over language often distinguishes genius; but Shakespeare in his phrases seems independent of the bonds of language as of the bonds of metre.

I want to give my compliments to Australia. Ever since your government paid a few million dollars for a Jackson Pollack painting, I figure that it must be a marvellous country.

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