I really like maths.

Practising maths can be fun.

Maths is the language of science.

In short, with Sarri football is maths.

I was very good in all the maths and sciences.

I was very slow in maths, geometry I actually enjoyed.

I'm rubbish at maths but I would like to have been a pilot.

I was fine with everything except Maths. I was terrible at Maths.

What interests me is the connection between maths and the real world.

Maths should be more practical and more conceptual, but less mechanical.

Students shy away from Maths, but in reality Maths is the best friend of man.

Women are not allowed to be polymaths; we're only allowed to do single maths.

I wasn't an academic. I hated maths and science at school. I couldn't concentrate.

Maths? Aiyyo. You know what? I always had a love and hate relationship with the subject.

I love that once you know the basic rules of maths, you can do whatever you want with it.

The accuracy of Wikipedia can be dodgy in some places, but in maths, it's really quite good.

There's no reason for men to be better at maths than women - it's just about our perception.

The worlds of maths and science have a long history of naming important objects after people.

Maths is like a ladder - if you miss the first few rungs, you can't jump up, so start with the basics.

One of the problems maths struggles with is that it's invisible. We haven't got explosions on our side.

Investing in better-quality education outcomes - especially in maths and science - more than pays for itself.

I'm really interested in male and female brains and whether female brains or male brains are better at maths.

As one can solve maths by concentrating do I focus on certain places in my body and generate heat because of it.

I've been an entrepreneur, a writer, a food correspondent. I might have been an architect - but I'm bad at maths.

The first crush of my life was my teacher. I was in 5th grade and she used to teach me maths. She was really hot.

At school, I had to work really hard to get a D in maths. And I wasn't slacking off; I actually did work quite hard.

The first rap that I wrote was about my Maths teacher, and as expected, he didn't like it, but the students loved it!

I enjoy things that are relevant to me, like maths and science and 'Countdown,' and I don't want to offend our viewers.

My mother always told me I had to do 100 times better than a man. I had to work hard at maths, and learn four languages.

I'm not exactly a maths genius - I'm really good at maths, maths was my favorite subject in school, but I wasn't a genius.

When I started doing stand-up, I resigned from my job as a maths teacher and, three days before I was due to leave, my dad passed away.

As an undergraduate, I did maths and physics. That doesn't make me a scientist. So I try to read and understand and talk to scientists.

Every culture has contributed to maths just as it has contributed to literature. It's a universal language; numbers belong to everyone.

I play quite an old-fashioned game of poker. It's a lot about getting a sense of people at the table rather than the maths of the thing.

Not that I did not have any other skills, but I loved teaching students, sharing with them my knowledge in sciences, maths or languages.

A review of maths teaching is a great thing, but it's a complex issue, and often the damage is done in the very early years of education.

I did my best, but football is not like maths: often, a lot of things out of our control affect the way we feel and the way things turn out.

When I was seven or eight, whenever I was getting too rowdy at night, my parents would give me a maths workbook to work on to quieten me down.

My A-levels were physics, chemistry and maths. Science is fascinating but I wouldn't say I have used it since then. I decided to do economics.

My father was a doctor, so I thought I was going to be a doctor, too, but I couldn't do maths; I couldn't do science. I was hopeless at chemistry.

The arts, sciences, humanities, physical education, languages and maths all have equal and central contributions to make to a student's education.

I was never strong at maths, but I eventually got onto a university physics/astronomy course, and that led on to my Ph.D. and eventual employment.

Maths is like learning a language: you need to learn the basics to get going, but a lot of adults go into blind panic about numbers and switch off.

I always knew that I was tremendously creative. I recited love poems, I wrote stories and I got excellent grades in every subject, except for maths.

The beauty of string theory is that it is all about mathematics. For that, you don't need resources or labs. Just sit in your room and do the maths.

I was terrible at maths, but I could grasp science, and I used to love to read about the lives of the scientists. I wanted to be a scientist or an inventor.

So many young black women love science, technology, engineering, and maths. But that's not the widely held image of the kind of person who likes those things.

I was quite good at football once, although other than that my speciality would be maths. I'm great at sudokus and find all the spin-off games pretty easy too.

I might not have been academically gifted - I was bad at maths, and science was a struggle - but I was good at English literature and became hooked on theatre.

Who wants to get really granular with sabermetrics when you're going to see a two-and-a-half-hour Brad Pitt movie? You don't go to the cinema for a maths lesson.

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