That's when it hit me. The site is more important than me.

The Scottish Labour Party and its renewal are more important than me.

The older I get, the more important the eternal becomes to me personally.

What's important to me is how the Lord looks at me, more than anything else.

For me, imagination is more important in climbing than muscle or daredevil antics.

The main point for me is that toys are incredibly more important than we realized.

But anonymity is very important to me, and I don't want to be recognized in public more than I already am.

For me, Malayalam films remain the most important. I don't want to do more Tamil films just for the sake of it.

For me, it was much more important to continue to learn my craft as an actor and get a bit of flesh on the bones.

Books seem so much more - much more sacred to me, and more important and essential, than they were when I was young.

What is more important? What the members of a politicised tribunal say, or what the citizens vote for? For me, it is clear.

I can take the spotlight that shines on me and shift it towards those issues that are infinitely more important than my own issues.

I do a lot of squats, I do a lot of bench pressing. But legs are very important for me. It's more important than arms and shoulders.

I like for jewelry to tell a story and to be able to talk about what I'm wearing. That's more important to me than a name, brand, or label.

There is a sign that hangs on my wall that says, 'What is it you want me to do to somebody else that is more important than what you want me to do for you?'

I signed at Sony and suddenly they've started to take an interest in Israeli musicians and to listen more, and I send them stuff. It's very important for me to open that window for Israelis.

For me, it's more important to bring my level up and make sure that I can compete against guys in the top 100 and top 50 instead of maybe being 120 or 130 and not being able to compete with those guys.

I adore book-to-film adaptations when they're done well, and I'm more lenient than many readers when it comes to what counts as 'done well.' For me, the most important thing is that the film maintains the spirit of the original book.

I don't think songs have to be like these super-#1-smash-hit-sounding songs, because I think it's more important that it's like, 'Hey! This is coming out of me. This is something I connect with. This is something that I like to sing.'

I've definitely become more aware and conscious of what directors I'm working with because it's so important. The director is really more than half the battle of the film. You really rely on that. That's become really, really important to me, for sure.

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