Even when I'm making my own solo records, I'm collaborating with people. It keeps things interesting for me.

I'm my own doctor. I have a group of people who call me up on a weekly basis. I'm a 'doctor' without a license.

Anytime anybody is rude, it makes me double-check my own behavior to make sure I don't do that to other people.

Some people say I'm conscious, some say I'm a gangsta rapper - it's just me doing me. I'm stomping in my own lane. I'm doing what I do.

Anybody can play decent golf like me, but people trip on their own minds. They need to create a little distance between what they think and what they do.

Most of my rings are not expensive at all; they're just things that remind me of people that gave 'em to me. And they all have their own stories, their own meanings.

Rapping for me is more about being entertaining and giving something back to the fans. I want people to say, 'There goes Pooch holding his own with Consequence, Rick Ross, and Drake.'

I own guns because it's my right, it's my Second Amendment right, and no one in Washington gave me that right; it's a natural right confirmed by the very people that founded this nation.

People give me things at shows-the Robot from Japan. What I would treasure the most is a little doll of the general from the movie-and if they don't make it, I'll make my own and bring it to shows and sign it.

There are still people, obviously, who are stopping you and want a selfie because they need to justify their own lives by being in close proximity to a celebrity... but those are minor with me. I'm not a major celebrity.

I have a certain temperament, a disposition that I think lends itself to not playing outside the lines that much. But I do test the boundaries, certainly, and break one or two of my own. Some people are mystified by it, but not me.

I got fired from my first job in a store when I was a student because I kept wearing my own things, and people kept asking me where they were from, and the owner of the store got annoyed with me. So I got fired because I couldn't afford to buy the clothes from the store.

Film, for me, is in two stages. One is when I write the script more or less on my own - that's the nice bit. And then comes for me the unpleasant bit when they all go off, 100 people - actors and camera people and film and sound - and I stay away. When they go into the editing room, I come in again, and that's the bit I like.

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