Memo to White House: Calling voters stupid is not a winning strategy.

Memo to self: never again try to travel by train in Britain on a Sunday.

I don't have the freaking energy to write a memo. I'm out there saving lives.

Production is a lot of work. Nobody sent me that memo when they came to me to do television.

Blondness is a core Trump-family value: Both Donald Jr. and Eric got the memo and married blondes.

Memo to Congress: America's problem is not that government is too small. It's the spending, stupid!

Email is very informal, a memo. But I find that not signing off or not having a salutation bothers me.

It took me a long time to blossom. Everyone else understood how to socialize and how to look. I didn't get the memo.

I am sending a memo to every man in the world: just because you make an effort with your wardrobe doesn't make you a wuss.

You can't manage by memo. You can't stand up there and just send out edicts. I think you just gotta really personalize your relationships.

Memo to future presidents: Never stake your entire survival on the painful passing of a bad bill. Never take the country down the road to 'Demon Pass.'

I do have a memo all the time because I need to be guided by something in my life. I'm not religious and I don't have idols, so something has to drive me.

Email is not the simple exchange of text messages. Email is the electronic version of the interoffice mail system used for formal letter or memo communication.

I felt guilty - like, I leaked this memo, and now there's going to be a witch hunt for the person who did it, and I'm not going to be able to deny it. That was when reality hit.

I wasn't involved, except to the degree that they sent me drafts of the script as the writer turned them in. They asked me at one point to write a memo about what I thought of it.

If I need a pick-me-up, I pull up a memo file on my phone and type in three things I'm grateful for. The things I've typed on other days are still there. It's a long list. Always helps.

My family is all musicians - my dad plays drums, my mom plays flute, my older brother plays drums, my little brother plays drums and piano. For some reason, I didn't get the memo, so I just play bass.

Usually, if I hear songs, I record it on a Voice Memo first. I have to perfect it. I'm a big fan of delivery, and I want to make sure you're saying it right. I'm like, 'This has to be perfect when I do this.'

The Mueller report is a long subtweet of the Barr memo and demolishes it and says that is absolutely wrong, and fundamentally, in this country, whether you are a high person or a low official, anyone can obstruct justice.

I wrote small stories here and there, then bigger ones. Some were even written for money. I signed up for a writing class and snuck my first assignment on a yellow legal pad in a partner's office while he read through my memo.

The world is full of CEOs that think that just because they write a memo or they write a letter inside an annual report or they give a little video speech that gets sent around the company, they think that's what's really going to affect employees.

Moving and motion tends to make things pop up. But things pop up for me, really, at just odd intervals or at random times that aren't really convenient, so I'm a big fan of the voice memo recorder on my phone. That's the only way I can remember things.

The attorney general would call at 5 o'clock in the evening and say: 'Tomorrow morning we are going to try to integrate the University of Mississippi. Get us a memo on what we're likely to do, and what we can do if the governor sends the National Guard there.'

If there was one fact that sent me hurtling off to write 'Politics Lost,' it was when I learned that John Kerry had focus-grouped Abu Ghraib. We knew about the Justice Department memo in June of 2004, and Kerry didn't raise that in any one of his three debates with George Bush.

I'm actually all for political correctness. If you want to work to change the usage of a word that's discriminatory then fine, I'm behind you. But that's a conversation that needs to be had in the culture. You can't just decide that commonly used parts of a language are evil and that the people who didn't get the memo must be bad people.

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