I'm ready to do something different.

We're all men, not machines. We make mistakes.

There are always distractions, if you allow them.

It's a sensitive thing, playing major league baseball.

I don't miss being in the dugout - I'll make that clear.

If you try to give them a scheme, most hitters will rebel.

Anything that disturbs your comfort factor is good for you.

I was a lousy player with virtually no experience managing.

The game has never seen a better catcher than YADIER MOLINA.

Losing sucks. I don't think most people understand how bad it feels.

You can be stupid once, but idiotic to do it again. I'll settle for being stupid.

Pressure comes when someone calls on you to perform a task for which you are unprepared.

I think the game is so mental. If you sit around and you're mentally strong, you're ready.

When you don't have the deepest pockets, you better have the best scouting and development.

I'm not going to manage again. I'm going to work for a team someday. But it won't be managing.

Even when you have three strikes, you're still not out. There is always something else you can do.

Play the game right. If you play the game intelligently and execute the fundamentals, you can win.

I was in the American League for 16, 17 years, and I think it's a really tough league to compete in.

Toughest thing for me as a young manager is that a lot of my players saw me play. They know how bad I was.

I can only think of about four players who I do not have anywhere from a good to a great relationship with.

The best way to win is to play well early or late in the game. The middle part tends to take care of itself.

In the end, as a manager or coach, you have to keep your heart pure and do your best as a manager or a coach.

You've got to acknowledge what you did wrong and see if you can fix it to the extent possible, and turn the page.

You know, I think when you coach or you manage, you make decisions, and there's some that are really, really tough.

I've said this: If Jim Leyland had been in my place, he'd have the 2,000 wins and I'd have 1,000. Leyland is the greatest.

If you watch the history of baseball, teams come back, and sometimes they could have come back, but they give in or give up.

It's easy to figure out whether you're getting stale. All you've got to do is look in the mirror and be honest with yourself.

To me, there is no more conscientious umpire in the Major Leagues than Jim Joyce. He gives you a hellacious effort every time.

The arc of Ken Griffey Jr.'s swing has gotten bigger than when he hit line drives. Juan Gonzalez is a terrific power hitter, too.

My mind is just a product of 50 years of being taught. I'm no smarter than anyone else, but I've been taught by some wonderful people.

I think each negotiation should be based on what's the best decision - taking everything into account, not taking one thing into account.

You can't manage by memo. You can't stand up there and just send out edicts. I think you just gotta really personalize your relationships.

If the national government doesn't fix your problem, you've got a problem. You've got to fix it yourself. That's just part of the American way.

I'm careful not to give into theatrics when times are tough, I don't like it when somebody gives into outside pressure and puts on a show for others.

You can't put a price on what Mark McGwire brings to the Cardinals organization. The responsibility he accepts is as great as any number of home runs.

The thing I learned when I was playing was that your best way of winning was to make it difficult for the other team to score in the last three innings.

I think the guys that get to the All-Star Game deserve a lot of credit. They deserve their opportunity to get out there and let the baseball fandom see them.

We never quit trying. I know that's kind of corny, but the fact is we never quit trying. The dugout was alive even when we were behind. And sometimes it works.

It's like most anything. If you want to be a loser, there's always a way to dwell on the negative. If you want to win, there's always a way to think positively.

If you like to run and the guys can't run, you don't run. If you like power, and you have guys that can't hit it out of the park, then you start moving guys around.

I'm very distressed that the report was leaked early so that the initial headline said 'dismissed, fired.' That's 180 degrees from the arrangement we have potentially.

It's a really neat and special coincidence, but it's nothing but a coincidence. This wasn't set up to give Matt that honor. It's just the way it worked out. It's a neat extra.

I have coaching friends, and when we get together, we often talk more about what we're doing to get players' attention than we do about the fascinating X's and O's of our sport.

I've been so fortunate in life to have worked for such great organizations, with great owners and general managers and all the great players, along with the support of my family.

I'm a great believer in the character of a club. To me, character has a lot to do with how you compete. That creates urgency and toughness. That elevates the talent that you have.

I'm a great believer in the character of the club. To me, character has a lot to do with how you compete. That creates urgency and toughness. That elevates the talent that you have.

Winning in Oakland in '89 was distinguished because that was truly a great team on a mission to prove that '88 was not what we represented. I look at that team in awe. It was a push-button team.

Just because you're down to your last strike, you're not out yet. You can always do more. You'll always have more at-bats to take. That's true in baseball, in rescuing animals, and in life generally.

Just because you're down to your last strike, you're not out yet. You can always do more. You'll always have more at-bats to take. That's true in baseball, in rescuing animals, and in life, generally.

What you end up doing is you try to match your guy's strength against a place they can be successful. They're doing the same thing against us. Sometimes they have the edge, sometimes you have the edge.

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