Men and women belong to different species and communications between them is still in its infancy.

Through the centuries, over 1.2 million brave men and women have given their lives for our nation.

The ability to mingle with so many countries and cultures is extremely valuable for men and women.

Both men and women remain in dysfunctional, loveless relationships when it is materially opportune.

The strength and power of a country depends absolutely on the quantity of good men and women in it.

I think it's really important for people to hear what our men and women in the military have to say.

In the mythic schema of all relations between men and women, man proposes, and woman is disposed of.

I think that there is a difference between men and women as a warrior and a nurturer... It's innate.

This is the problem today. Men and women have switched places. The woman now acts more like the man.

A few British suffragettes everybody laughed at started the cause of equality between men and women.

Men and women want to do a good job, and if they are provided the proper environment, they will do so.

I don't know why there is still any barrier between men and women in terms of achievement and success.

The fact that there are now gay men and women who can openly serve their country is a wonderful thing.

On Earth, men and women are taking the same risks. Why shouldn't we be taking the same risks in space?

Our Nation is in great need of young men and women of character to lead in every arena of our society.

I grew up in a time when many people believed that men and women should not always be treated equally.

When men and women are able to respect and accept their differences then love has a chance to blossom.

Deprived of meaningful work, men and women lose their reason for existence; they go stark, raving mad.

I don't distinguish between men and women. This is irrelevant to me, and I don't think in these terms.

The only genuine elite is the elite of those men and women who gave their lives to justice and charity.

I just think that people are complicated, both men and women. It happens that I write more about women.

Men and women succeed because they find a field of endeavor that matches their interests and abilities.

Feminism basically says both men and women are equal. It doesn't say women are better or men are stupid.

What these books have conclusively proven is that the diffence between men and women is exactly 38 pages.

There's men and women out there protecting and serving, doing it the right way, that aren't talked about.

I respect men and women who age and are proud and don't lose energy. I think fashion forgot those people.

Men and women are both humans, so, for me, that makes my characters and the work that I do human stories.

I definitely respect the men and women who came before me and how much those people gave to me musically.

The proposal that men and women should be treated equally under the law is hardly a controversial concept.

We created Apple Music to make finding the right music easier for everyone - men and women, young and old.

The men and women at our borders, given adequate resources, are doing an excellent job of keeping us safe.

So often public service comes with sacrifice. A sacrifice that our men and women in uniform make each day.

I have never had doubts about the courage of the young men and women we sent overseas wearing the uniform.

I was bisexual for a long time. I flitted between men and women quite a lot between the ages of 17 and 26.

They [men and women] have both been, and men especially, have been told that how they naturally are is bad.

I wanted to show platonic friendship between men and women, because I think it is underutilised in fiction.

Every day, hundreds of thousands of men and women protect and serve, often putting their own lives at risk.

As I look back on my first year as Director, I am more in awe of the men and women at CIA than ever before.

Well, I enjoy sharing in the dangers that we ask our men and women in uniform to share in almost every day.

Men don't understand anything about women and women understand nothing about men. And it's better that way.

Men and women must be educated, in a great degree, by the opinions and manners of the society they live in.

It is important for all of us to show our support for the brave men and women in the United States military.

Men and women are different. I don't think men grow a brain until 26 or even 30. Girls mature a lot quicker.

In other restaurants you'll see employees signing to each other, since we also hire many deaf men and women.

We have equality of men and women in western society, whereas in Islamic culture, women are inferior to men.

Men and women are like cats and dogs. I've learned more about myself from women. My comedy is based on this.

While shooting 'The Unit', I went to the Middle East twice to see the troops. I met some great men and women.

As a Korean War veteran, I know firsthand and understand the sacrifices made by our men and women in uniform.

My vision is a Malawi where men and women live in peace and in harmony as equals enjoying their human rights.

They really do a disservice because these men and women came out of the Depression, they came out of the war.

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