There is no greater call to service than that of our brave men and women who serve our country in combat across the globe.

I like to be around dancers who are totally committed to the art form, totally committed to the men and women around them.

We must make it clear that a platform of 'I hate gay men and women' is not a way to become president of the United States.

Men and women may form associations for and among themselves and be governed by stipulations that are mutually acceptable.

The freedoms and prosperity we enjoy in America are thanks to the brave men and women who have served in our armed forces.

Men and women of every faith and good people with none at all sincerely strive to do right and lead a purpose-driven life.

In the end, I do think it's insulting to men and women to insist that they fit a certain profile. I never understood that.

I don't think I could keep my position as a well-standing man in the world if I thought there were roles for men and women.

We have to expose Republicans for the frauds that they are when it comes to what they want to do for working men and women.

Emotionally men and women are different, but only as a result of the physical differences. It all comes back to our bodies.

Sometimes I wonder if men and women really suit each other. Perhaps they should live next door and just visit now and then.

The equality of men and women is not possible because both are different. A mountain is a mountain, and a river is a river.

I have a lot of passion and experience with aesthetic surgery and look forward to helping men and women all over the world.

I honored my commitments, and as president, I will honor every commitment that I make to the men and women of this country.

Relationships are interesting to me. Not just between men and women, but fathers and sons, brothers and sisters and friends.

The gym can serve as an excellent place where kids and young men and women can really empty their issues right on the floor.

Men and women study things differently, and it's not because of our chromosomes. It's a product of our cultural conditioning.

Hard-working men and women who have made America the strongest nation in the world are betrayed by Washington's trade policy.

Young men and women of color get told 'no' by so many people. But just listen to your inner voice. Amplify it. Make it strong!

Obviously, I come out of the military - I know the amazing work of the men and women in uniform and the work that they can do.

Our men and women in uniform make enough sacrifices for our country. Their credit rating should not be one of those sacrifices.

When our veterans walk into any VA facility, they converse with men and women who speak the unique language of military service.

Labour is the party of the NHS and the environment and fighting for better workplace and civic rights for working men and women.

I'm more than open to hope, but I think men and women have a difficult time dealing with each other and often take the low road.

Whenever men and women straighten their backs up, they are going somewhere, because a man can't ride your back unless it is bent

What is a man? What is a woman? Why are men and women attracted to each other? Why do they desire each other? Love...what is it?

I never really liked Hollywood. I found it unreal - unreal and full of men and women whose lives were confused and full of pain.

As Americans, we should all convey our thanks to the brave men and women who have selflessly and courageously served our nation.

Athletes as role models and heroes is a hoax, a sick hoax. The men and women who are fighting in Iraq, they are the true heroes.

God gave me some weird, beautiful scent that makes men and women go crazy. People compare it to Carvel. It is a whale of a smell.

You've got to remember that men are men and women are women. And although a lot of similarities, there are some real differences.

There's men and women who sacrifice and do so much for us so I can go out and play a game of golf and live my life under freedom.

America's finest - our men and women in uniform, are a force for good throughout the world, and that is nothing to apologize for.

Our culture hasn't stopped objectifying women. We - men and women both - are just getting better at pretending it's not happening.

The principles of fairness and equality for working men and women are deeply interwoven within the fabric of our nation's history.

It's my commitment to the nation's security, it's my commitment to the men and women in uniform that drives me. Not anything else.

I am proud to serve on the House Intelligence Committee, and every day, I see the lifesaving work of our men and women in uniform.

I am humbled by the prospect of serving those who have borne the battle, those American men and women who have sacrificed so much.

I think for larger-scale entrepreneurship, it's true - for men and women - that people who already have capital tend to do better.

While men and women alike are liberated by the balance that work flexibility affords, women appear to derive greater value from it.

We will be protected by the great men and women of our military and law enforcement and, most importantly, we are protected by God.

With these men and women who work-for the cause with all their hearts, with cool heads and skilled hands we will master every fate.

As to the deceit perpetrated upon women, let it pass, for, when love is in the way, men and women as a general rule dupe each other.

Corporations are social organizations, the theater in which men and women realize or fail to realize purposeful and productive lives.

There is a pride, a self-love, in human minds that will seldom be kept so low as to make men and women humbler than they ought to be.

If the men and women who protect the country are to succeed in the missions they are assigned, we simply must invest more in defense.

I think fashion is the best value way, the most affordable way in the 21st century, that men and women can express their personality.

There are certain men and women who, from the minute they step in front of a camera, that's exactly where they belong. Connery's one.

The men and women that I've worked with on the police force are some of the most honest, heroic, and pure human beings I've ever met.

Hardworking men and women deserve not only job security, but also a paycheck when they need to take time off to care for a loved one.

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