I'm a good mimic.

I have always been a good mimic.

We ape, we mimic, we mock. We act.

Human beings all mimic each other.

Cunning... is but the low mimic of wisdom.

Yes, we do mimic our parents in a lot of ways.

I'm a terrific mimic, and you can feel my funny bone.

Thank God for my imagination. For my abilities to mimic.

Stories mimic life like certain insects mimic leaves and twigs.

There I was, an 18-year-old mimic rooming with a blind whistler.

There I was, an 18-year-old mimic rooming with a blind whistler.

I'm more of a mimic. My accent tends to drift to where ever I am.

I don't want to do animation to mimic reality. I want to push reality.

I have a kind of innate sense of structure, which also makes me a good mimic.

People are fascinated by robots because they're machines that can mimic life.

I was probably a bit of a mimic when I was a kid, and I used to imitate people.

I think so many of the themes from the natural world mimic emotional themes in our lives.

I like to mimic accents. I don't even know if that's a talent. That's just a weird thing that I do.

My favorite thing about L.A. is the sunny breezes that mimic the mindset of the energy in the people.

I'm not a bad mimic, and I can pick up speech cadences that I would not pick up if I didn't hit the road.

I was a very weird child. I was very shy, so in school I would just mimic stand-up sets of Whoopi Goldberg.

If I were to pick the life of someone whom I professionally mimic in many ways, it would be Howard Hughes, surprisingly.

Before I do a movie, I watch Meryl Streep movies over and over. It's not to mimic her. It's to remind myself to be more committed.

I can hear someone's voice once, and I can pretty much mimic them. Not to make fun, but I can do an impression of them pretty well.

As a kid, I was obsessed with Broadway cast recordings, and I would totally mimic and memorize every little choice that these actors made.

I have a schizophrenic career. I have 'Cronos' and 'The Devil's Backbone' on one hand, and then I have 'Blade 2' and 'Mimic' on the other.

I subconsciously mimic whomever I'm talking to, so I've been mistaken for a Canadian, a South American, and somebody from the West Country.

There are many people I admire and seek advice from, but for the most part, I just follow my gut instead of trying to mimic someone else's leadership style.

People are confusing me with a good actor when I'm just a good mimic. When someone asks me to play a nun from the fifteenth century, you'll see what I mean.

A lot of these angles are really about trying to mimic broadcast sports angles in order to anchor the scene, to sort of normalize it before it becomes abstracted.

People that could yodel always fascinated me. People that could sing loud always fascinated me. So I started trying to mimic at a really young age: 6, 7 years old.

When you mimic everyone, sometimes authority figures really don't appreciate it which is not an original story. And pretty much every comedian has some tale of that.

It was more freeing, mainly because he's so free anyway. He just is in his performance. So to mimic someone doing a free performance, well, that's pretty freeing within itself.

Rather than just mimic processes in nature, I think we can harness the powers of nature itself and allow it to help us create. That, in a way is what the 'Dune' project is all about.

You know, I was a huge fan of comedy and movies and TV growing up, and I was able to memorize and mimic a lot of things, not realizing that that meant I probably wanted to be an actor.

I find society's underlings and people with interesting idiosyncrasies the most watchable. But I also love to mimic people who are ego-driven and kind of go through the world like lions.

TV is all about learning to write in someone else's voice, so if you do it long enough without selling your own project, they assume you don't have your own voice; you're just a good mimic.

The first impression that I liked doing was an impression of Cheri Oteri's Barbara Walters impression on 'SNL.' I found that I could mimic that pretty well, and people got a kick out of that.

I spent three months with a physical therapist understanding what a stroke is. I asked, 'What is a stroke?' I didn't really know. It's okay to mimic something, but I really needed to understand the signs.

When the first video was uploaded to YouTube, that's when we realized that people outside of Japan were interested. That's where we see Babymetal spreading, with people trying to mimic music or dance moves.

That first snowdrop, the flowering of the rose you pruned, a lettuce you grew from seed, the robin singing just for you. These are smallthings but all positive, all healing in a way that medicine tries to mimic.

Children want to mimic adults. They notice when you choose to prepare fresh vegetables over calling in another pizza pie for dinner. They will see that food made with love and care outweighs going through the drive-through window.

It's OK to stand back. But it's also good to demonstrate that it's fun to be involved. As long as you are willing to say, 'This looks fun. I'd like to try this, too,' your child will mimic your example of openness, playfulness and optimism.

Human intelligence is a reflection of the intelligence that produces everything. In knowing, we are simply extending the intelligence that comes to and constitutes us. We mimic the mind of God, so to speak. Or better, we continue and extend it.

Over the years, I've heard pop artists do some Christmas songs, and I haven't fully cared for them. They weren't the traditional Christmas music that I was raised on and love. Thinking of that, I wanted to make my songs mimic the classic Christmas songs.

You don't have to spend much time in Shanghai before you start to get all existential about the meaning of authenticity. Did you know that Shanghai is building nine satellite towns, each designed to mimic the architecture and culture of a different country?

I was a mimic when I was a child. I mimicked the teacher and made friends that way, actually. That was a very subversive activity, because I was a goody-goody who never got in trouble. But if I went off in the corner and mimicked the teacher, people loved it.

The movie has to have some essence where you connect with it. The reason I'm doing 'Blade 2' and not 'Alien 4' is because I connect with the universe of 'Blade.' I don't connect with the universe of 'Alien.' Besides, I already did 'Alien 4': It's called 'Mimic.'

Radio is more powerful the closer we mimic the way we actually speak to each other. That's why Howard Stern is such a great radio talent. People on his show are actually speaking to each other. You might not like what they're saying, but they're real conversations.

I got through with my ability to mimic others and make people laugh. I swaggered through life, but, in reality, I lived in fear pretty much every day. I acted like a completely normal person, and I suppose I was good at it. But, inside, it was a very different story.

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