Others go to bed with their mistresses; I with my ideas.

Buy old masters. They fetch a better price than old mistresses.

It is not monogamy when there is one legal wife, and mistresses out of sight.

Wives are young men's mistresses, companions for middle age, and old men's nurses.

As in all TV shows, and especially a show called 'Mistresses,' all is not going to be as it seems.

People want to be entertained when they watch dramas. 'Mistresses' has a mixture of escapism and reality.

Our prejudices are our mistresses; reason is at best our wife, very often heard indeed, but seldom minded.

You slam a politician, you make out he's the devil, with horns and hoofs. But his wife loves him, and so did all his mistresses.

I entreat all artisans faithfully to follow their craft and take delight in it. I entreat all servants to be faithful servants of their masters and mistresses.

Mistresses are like books; if you pore upon them too much, they doze you and make you unfit for company; but if used discreetly, you are the fitter for conversation by em.

I think 'Mistresses' is so successful because it's a mixture of intriguing storylines with lots of twists and it is rooted very strongly in reality and it's really glossy.

'Mistresses' is about the lives of four women, each going through different versions of infidelity. Their longtime friendship is what gets them through extremely challenging times.

More coming out about Saddam Hussein. We now know he takes Viagra and he has as many as six mistresses. No wonder Congress is reluctant to take action against this guy - he's one of their own.

He's the president of the United States. He's got to work 14 to 16 hours a day, run foreign and domestic policy. If he's got time for mistresses after all that, what the hell difference does it make?

So, is Hollywood anti-religion? Not in my opinion. But unlike, say, politicians and preachers who talk faith before going off to speak in tongues to their mistresses, Hollywood just doesn't wear its faith on its sleeve.

When I was first pitched the show, I was like, 'Oh, God, a soapy show called 'Mistresses.'' But it wasn't that at all. It wasn't a bunch of women pulling guns on each other and stabbing each other in the back. We really have a core friendship.

If I could have picked an era to have lived, I think I would've loved to have been one of Louis XIV's mistresses. They were so fantastic and aristocratic, and they had so much power. And he was such a renaissance man. I think I would've fit into that nicely.

For centuries, divorce in the West was a male tool of control - a legislative chastity belt designed to ensure that a wife had one master, while a husband could enjoy many mistresses. It is as though, having denied women their cake for so long, the makers have no wish to see them enjoy it.

We live in a culture that does not encourage women to be epic heroes of their own Big Stories but the mothers and lovers and wives and mistresses and muses and personal assistants, the femme fatales and fantasies and manic pixie dream girls, in someone else's Big Story, and this someone else is usually a dude.

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