I'm trying hard to keep my Australian accent. My mom would disown me if I didn't.

I keep a small - a very, very, very small circle. It's just me and my mom and my sister. And maybe Chris Paul.

I wasn't one to go out and buy a new car and stereo system and expensive clothes. My mom helped keep me grounded.

When I was as little as four years old, my mom would give me a pen and paper and tell me to write a story to keep me busy.

My mom - when I complained about my weight, she asked me if I wanted to keep complaining or do something about it. Then she took me to Weight Watchers when I was 10 years old, meetings and all!

I think that when you start rolling with an entourage, you attract attention, and you tend to create this whole big thing. My mom taught me that when you keep a low profile, most people tend to totally miss you because they're not expecting anything.

I was my mom's oldest child, so she was like, watching closely and taking notes, like, 'Okay, this is what she gravitates towards,' and she gave me all the tools to keep me focused. I liked to write; she got me notebooks. I wanted to draw; she got me sketch books and crayons and coloured pencils.

I remember my mom threatening me, half-serious: 'You know what? I should take you to Pittsburgh and put you in dance lessons just to keep you occupied.' Well, that brought everything to a screeching halt. 'Jeeze, dance lessons.' In retrospect, it would have been awesome, but then, 'Ugh, dancing - dancing's for sissies.'

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