I've never really seen other people spend other people's money wisely.

I have never been a believer that nice clothes should only be for people with money.

People who don't want to give a creator money are never going to give a creator money.

You can't reverse fame. You can lose all the money, but you'll never lose people knowing you.

I was never sloppy with other people's money. Only my own. Because I figure, well, you can be.

I lend people money, but I'd never lend something that would jeopardise a friendship if I didn't get it back.

I think people are too hard on the Pistols. The Pistols started the whole punk thing and never saw much money.

People downloading my stories from the bit torrent sites were never going to buy them anyway. It's no money out of my pocket.

People paid money for tickets to see us and be entertained by us, and we've never forgotten that. Anything after that was a bonus.

As to whether the people who were supposedly to put up the money and did put it up or whether it was Arthur's own money is something which I shall never know.

I certainly could've made a lot more money buying cheap ingredients, and people might not have been able to tell the difference. That was never a part of the calculus. It was not part of my DNA.

I could write a book - if I could write, ha ha - about how many times I've been ripped off lending money to people. I'm an absolutely unbelievable soft touch. Unbelievable. I never learn my lesson.

Never in a million years did I think some kid from Amsterdam would be in a position not only would he be in the Money in the Bank and a fan favorite, but be informed and led by people like Paul Heyman.

At a certain point he was very popular, from THE RAVEN. He was never fully appreciated, never made the money, and you know he was looked upon with admiration by some people, but also as an oddball. But that was his point.

People should decide 'are you willing to spend all this money to go to Mars?' I think the average person on the ground would never spend that amount of money - they have to spend it on something that makes sense and this is definitely saving our planet.

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