The Monkees changed my life but ruined my acting career.

My guilty pleasure, to be frank with you, is 'The Monkees.'

Original Monkees' songs were produced very thinly, on purpose.

The Monkees are like the mafia. You're in for life. Nobody gets out.

We've all had our thing. I listened to the Monkees when I was little kid.

Many people have fond memories of 'The Monkees.' I fondly remember it, too.

The Monkees were never cancelled for a start. NBC wanted to do a third year.

The Monkees? I heard that they were quite into their party scene at one point.

My most favourite gigs that ever happened were solo, before The Monkees ever happened.

It was so much fun to do, play the blues and then play a Monkees' set on the same night.

Wherever I go, people still shout out: 'Hey, hey, we're The Monkees.' And I never tire of that.

During the summer, Screen Gems launched the New Monkees, which miserably failed I understand. I never saw it.

I loved TV, and I watched anything with music - 'Hee Haw,' 'Happy Days,' anything like that. So I loved the Monkees.

The only people who didn't like The Monkees were the French, and they don't even like themselves, so what's the point?

As a kid, 'The Monkees' was such a cool show. I had such a thrill saying, 'OMG, I was in a sketch with one of the Monkees.'

After high school I was going to be an architect. In fact, I was studying to be an architect when the audition for 'The Monkees' came along.

When I was 11 I became a massive fan of The Monkees. We had a so-called 'band' of kids on my street and we'd go along to people's houses and mime to Monkees records.

The Monkees was a straight sitcom, we used the same plots that were on the other situation comedies at the time. So the music wasn't threatening, we weren't threatening.

I grew up listening to pop; I grew up listening to '60s pop music, the Beatles, the Monkees, Herman's Hermits and all that stuff. So I had a very strong background of listening to great pop music.

I just wanted to do a music show, with the whole realm of music from Ella Fitzgerald to rock bands like Cream to Kenny Rogers. We had a lot of country, but we did every kind of music. The Monkees were on, and so was Johnny Cash.

When I was 20, in 1957, and maybe you would say I was old enough to know better, but nevertheless, I was completely nuts about Buddy Holly. And I loved pop bands that had absolutely no intellectual pretensions whatsoever. I loved the Monkees.

I liked back in the sixties where you'd turn on the radio and go 'Oh that's Hendrix, that's Creedence Clearwater, that's The Doors, there's The Grass Roots, The Monkees, there's Big Brother.' You could just instantly hear it and tell. But in the eighties and nineties there's no way you could do that.

I was addicted to 'The Monkees' TV programme - not so much because of the music but because of the commercials in between. The programme was sponsored by Yardley, and in the commercial breaks, there would be these English girls on roller skates, wearing hot pants, and I just thought, 'God! How neat!'

Davy Jones was the grooviest of the Monkees, which makes him one of the grooviest pop stars who ever existed. He was the best dancer in the Monkees, the Cute One, the one with the coy English accent, the bowl-cut boy-child who shook those cherry-red maracas and always got the girl. He was also the guy who stole David Bowie's original name.

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