I'm a real-life 'Hannah Montana.'

Oh, I'll never leave Montana, brother.

We have always been dreamers in Montana.

Joe Montana was a guy I enjoyed watching.

Miley would never have been Hannah Montana.

What's good for America is great for Montana.

The winter's a little bit daunting in Montana.

Disney world is an armpit compared to Montana.

Wyoming is good, but Montana is like heaven on earth.

I grew up in Montana and played football my whole life.

My blood, my roots, my soul is in the state of Montana.

I was Hannah Montana's mother ... Where did I go wrong?

Giving freaks a pass is the oldest tradition in Montana.

Is this really Butte, Montana, or just existential blues?

I just like to have one foot in Montana and one foot out.

My soul lives in Montana. It's where I fly-fish for trout.

The rise and fall of Tony Montana, and what a way to go out.

When I have to do what I think is right for Montana, I do it.

I'm personally committed to improving Montana's economic future.

In Montana, a policeman will pull you over because he is lonely.

I have great faith in the people of Montana; they can't be bought.

I watch a lot of Disney. I want to catch 'Hannah Montana Forever.'

I've been on 'iCarly' and 'Hannah Montana.' And a few other things.

I wanted to be a Disney Channel star! I wanted to be Hannah Montana.

We can push Montana forward and we can do it with out raising taxes.

I did a lot of Shakespeare touring when I was in college in Montana.

I grew up in Colorado and spent my summers in Montana as a ranch hand.

Though I had been born in Maryland, Montana was where I truly belonged.

My father-in-law lives in Montana, and we would come here every summer.

First you get the sugar, then you get the power, then you get the women.

I think prosperity is a virtuous thing, and we need more of it in Montana.

There were very few black people in Montana but we never felt out of place.

It's no accident that Montana is the most fiscally prudent state in the nation.

May God bless Montana, God bless America, and God bless the troops who defend her.

I want to someday be in the same position as John Elway, Joe Montana and Steve Young.

To create jobs in Montana, we must find ways to reduce the cost of health care delivery.

I left Montana in Spring of 1866, for Utah, arriving at Salt Lake city during the summer.

At one time in Montana, our elected officials were literally bought and owned by companies.

'Hannah Montana' gets no disrespect from me because it's certainly done me a lot of favors.

Lana says J.P. makes Matt Damon from the Bourne movies look like Oliver from Hannah Montana

I go to the movies, and I watch MTV and the Disney Channel. I admit I like 'Hannah Montana.'

The opportunity I had growing up in Montana isn't the opportunities for a whole lot of people.

Jon Tester no longer can say that he supports the principles and values of the people of Montana.

In parts of Montana, salt concentrations in soil water, have reached those double those of seawater.

I'm happy at home when Trump's not doing good for Montana to point out he's not doing good for Montana.

I have done all kinds of roles, but Tony Montana's role in 'Scarface' is something I would love to play.

I don't know a single Republican in Montana who would get in a fight in a bowling alley for John McCain.

I would be happy living on a massive ranch in Montana and not seeing anyone except my friends and family.

The world is full of bastards, the number increasing rapidly the further one gets from Missoula, Montana.

The people of Montana want to send me to Washington - not to bring home the bacon but to slaughter the hog.

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